Chapter 4

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Ellen's POV:

After a very successful table read and a small party, everyone went home. I decided not to tell any of the producers nor Shonda about what is occurring at home with Chris. I left the building with T.R and Patrick. Since T.R's roommate picked him up, he walked to the other side of the parking lot. Patrick walked me to my car. He opened my car door for me. Gosh, what a gentleman. I started my car and I rolled down my window.

I turned to the window and Patrick said, "If anything happens tonight, give me a call and I'll show Chris something.".

I laughed at him and said, "Don't worry, I will.".

I thanked Patrick for all he has done for me today. I smiled thinking about him and then I drove home.

I arrived home and I looked at the clock in my car. The time read 9:25 pm. I walked into my house and Chris was sitting on the couch watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians. 'Trashy reality T.V.', I thought to myself. I walked into the living room and sat on the couch across from Chris. He looked up to me and said,

"Another long day on set uh? I thought you weren't shooting today?". He looked at me as if I wasn't telling the truth.

"No, you're right, we didn't shoot anything but this episode is bringing awareness to something so it will take a little longer to film.", I told him, which is true, I wasn't lying.

"Mmh right, these episodes always take forever to film.", Chris responded in annoyance.

"Yeah. So I'll probably be spending a few nights in the trailer since the days are going to be long.", I responded with something believable so I can escape Chris for a few days.

"Right.", Chris said with a pissy look on his face. "Well since you won't be here for a few days, why don't we give you your punishment a few days early, huh?

Oh god, I thought to myself. What have I done? This is what I dread. Every night.

"Okay.", I said as I stood up, and Chris did his daily punishments.

By the time Chis was finished, it was 11:14 and he went upstairs to bed and I finished the rest of the Keeping Up With the Kardashians episode. While watching the Television, I called Patrick, since he told me to call him if anything occurs. I picked up my phone, went to my contact list, and dialed his number. He picks us instantly. I sigh as of relief and he immediately asks, "What's wrong, Ellie?".

Patrick's POV:

After leaving the Grey's Anatomy set, I couldn't stop thinking about what Ellen is going through. I've met Chris so many times and he doesn't seem like the person to do this to a woman. 'What has gotten into him?' I thought while driving home.

I arrived home and I got out of the car. I unlocked the door and walked into my house. Jillian was feeding Sullivan. Talula and Darby were nowhere to be found. I assumed they were asleep by now since it was so late. I threw my keys onto the center island and I went to Jillian and kissed her and Sullivan on the forehead.

"Hey", she said very quietly, trying not to startle Sullivan.

"Hi", I replied. "Everything going well?", I asked trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah", she said smiling at me.

"Good.", I responded.

I then headed to the kitchen to grab some water. I leaned onto the island and I kept scrolling through my messages with Ellen, still not understanding what is up with Chris. I then walked into the living room and put on the news.

A few hours passed and Sullivan was asleep in his room and it was just Jillian and me in the living room. The 11 o'clock news was on. Jillian was trying so hard not to fall asleep but she kept on dozing off. My phone rang all of a sudden and it woke Jillian up. I picked up my phone and saw the caller I.D. name appear on my phone, Ellen Pompeo. I quickly stood up and went into the garage to answer the phone so Jillian could fall back asleep. I swiped to answer the call and said, "What's wrong, Ellie?".

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