Chapter 56

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Ellen's POV:

For the past few weeks, Patrick and I have been taking turns feeding the baby. Now that she was a few months old, we decided that this could be one of the first times she can spend it away from us while we go wedding dress shopping and tuxedo shopping. I heard the door open as Patrick walked in with Kaylee in his arms. I opened my arms so I was able to hold her. He gently placed her in my arms and he laid back down in bed. He rested his head on my shoulder and I kissed his temple. Then, both of ours attention was drawn back on to Kaylee. "How lucky am I to wake up to the two most beautiful girls, ever.", Patrick said.

I looked at him and his perfect eyes, which Kaylee inherited, lucky girl. "How lucky am I to have such an amazing fiancé and father to my child?", I responded to his question.

Patrick grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss. I pulled away, "So, Sandra, Chyler, Katherine, and I are going dress shopping today. When do you plan on buying your tux?".

"Mmmh, I guess I can see if Eric and or Justin are free? But what about Kaylee?", he asked concerned.

I already had some plans rolled up my sleeve, "Chandra said she would watch her.", I responded.

"Awh, that's good for her!", Patrick said kissing Kaylee's forehead. 

"I'm going to go get ready for the day.", I said as I handed Kaylee into Patrick's arms and I went into the bathroom.

As I was getting ready, Patrick walked into the bathroom. I looked at him through the mirror, "Where's Kaylee?", I asked him.

"Chandra already picked her up.", he said as he wrapped his hands around my waist and kissed my neck.

I moaned a little, "Mmh, did you make sure she has everything?".

"Yes, my dear. Her food, diapers, extra change of clothing. Everything.", he said whispering into my ear.

"You're the best father, ever.", I said turning around to kiss him.

"I guess I am.", he said while going in for another kiss.

We got ready for the day, with a few distractions in between. We ate breakfast and after we finished eating, I was ready to go dress shopping. I put my coat and shoes on. I walked over to the couch, where Patrick was. I sat down next to him and I could tell he was upset. "What's wrong, babe?", I asked him.

Patrick's POV:

While Ellen was getting ready to leave, I got a text from Ron that in 3 weeks, Jillian would be getting out of jail and we would have another hearing for our custody. Over text, he told me that since I've only seen the kids twice out of the six months, he wants Jillian to have full custody of them and I would only get to see them for school breaks and the summertime. I thought to myself, "I've started my family with Ellen. We're happy. And like I said while I was proposing to her, Jillian's history. And I know I made a big deal about having custody of them but after Kaylee was born, I think I need to spend more time with Ellen and Kaylee.'. I looked up from the couch and Ellen was walking towards me. I put a fake smile on my face as she sat down next to me. But, she could tell something was wrong. "What's wrong, babe?", she asked.

"I was just thinking about Jillian and my kids. Ron texted me that Jillian will be getting out of jail in 3 weeks and we are going to have to fight for custody over our kids, again. But to be honest, Ellen, I just want to see them during school breaks and the summertime. Because ever since Kaylee was born, I think I need to put all my attention on her. I mean, she's only young once. And she needs all my attention. So I think once Jillian gets released from jail, I'm going to allow her to have custody and I just want to see my kids during breaks and summertime.", I truthfully told her.

I smile appeared on her face, "I'm so glad to hear.", she said while leaning into my chest. "I love you, fiancé".

I looked down at her and I reached my hand to her left hand. I rubbed my finger over the gorgeous ring, but not as gorgeous as the love of my life, "I love you more, fiancé.", I said as I leaned in for a kiss.

She pulled away from the kiss and stood up from the couch. "Okay, love. I'm going to go dress shopping with Sandra, Chyler, and Katherine. Are you going tux shopping with Eric and Justin?", she asked.

I stood up and walked towards her and I placed my hands on her waist, "Yes I am. I guess we'll see each other later.", I said leaning in for one last kiss.

"Okay, Paddy. Bye, I love you.", she said as she walked to the door.

"Bye, love. I love you, too.", I said as she left the house. 

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