Chapter 45

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The week passed that Patrick spent with his kids. Talula spent some time getting to know Ellen. And they bonded so well. Ellen got to know how to take care of a 7-month-year old. They took a week off of work to sort everything out.

Patrick's POV:

I waved goodbye to Ron and Kristin as they pulled out of the driveway. I turned around and I saw Ellen in some black business pants and a purple top that was unbuttoned at the top. She looked so beautiful and professional. I grabbed the keys that were behind her on the counter. As I reached for the keys, I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. "You ready?", I asked her while grabbing her hand.

"Yes.", she said while stepping forward to leave the house.

We got into the car and drove to the beachside of Malibu. We pulled up to this 8 million-dollar home that had the beach as the backyard. Just by looking at the front of the house, it was beautiful. We stepped out of the car to be greeted by our realtor, Jenna. We shook each other hands. "Good morning, you two.", she said while walking closer to the house.

We walked into the front doors of the house and I was in love with this house. I glanced over to Ellen and saw her eyes sparkle over the beautiful foyer that was in her eyes. However, the foyer wasn't as beautiful as her.

"So", the realtor started to speak, "This is just one of the beautiful features this house has.", she said as she walked through the foyer. "This is the kitchen.", she said as we entered this beautiful, finished kitchen that had the most perfect brown finishing I ever saw. "Now, don't let the beauty of the kitchen over-power you. This is your view of the beach.", she said opening the backyard door.

I was in awe at how beautiful the view of the beach is. There was probably about a few yards covered in grass but as you walked closer to the beautiful, blue water, the sand started to start. I thought to myself, 'This would be the perfect spot for the proposal.'. 

Jenna showed us a little more of what the backyard had instore. We then walked back inside and she showed us the rest of the interior of the house. There are 5 bedrooms upstairs and the master bedroom is downstairs. 7 bathrooms can be found throughout the house.

We arrived back into the foyer and we thanked Jenna. We walked back to the car and drove back home. "So, what do you think?", I turned my head and asked Ellen.

"I absolutely love it!", she said in full excitement. "I love how our bedroom would be downstairs and don't even get me started about the backyard. The views of the sunrise and sunset have to be gorgeous!".

It was so cute to see her excited about the little details of the house.

"So do you think we should settle for it?", I asked but I already knew her response.

"I would love to!", she said placing her hand on my thigh.

"Okay then. Tomorrow we can go to Jenna's office and put a final offer on the house.

She turned her head and smiled at me, "Sounds perfect.".

I looked back at her and leaned in for a kiss. Nothing big, but soft and passionate. It felt like we would be doing it for the rest of our lives. 

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