Chapter 22

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Ellen's POV:

After my makeup and hair was done I thanked Suzan and I left to go to my trailer. While walking to my trailer, I read my unread text message from Chris that said, "Oh now you want to come out of the dead!? And divorce me? I'll see you in court and you'll see who you're divorcing you ungrateful bitch! I'll see you there...". I read the message and I just felt the tears form in my eyes. I ran to my trailer, opened the door, slammed the door shut and I started to cry on the couch. After what felt like a short while I heard a knock on my trailer door. I stood up and wiped the tears away from my eyes. I opened the door and it was Eric and Patrick. Patrick told Eric to wait outside and he did so. Patrick invited himself into my trailer. I sat down on the couch and he closed the door and sat next to me and said, "I can tell you're crying. What did Chris do now?".

I loved how he could pick up my emotions even though I tried the hardest to hide them. I picked my head up, turned it, and looked at him in the eyes. His eyes smiled into mine as he wiped any tears that were left on my face and tucked the piece of hair that kept on falling in my face behind my ear. I took a big sigh and answered this question by handing him my phone. He read the text message from Chris and the second he got done reading them he set the phone down on the right side of the couch and he hugged me until I stopped hyperventilating and stopped crying. Once I stopped, he said, "Don't worry. We'll show his ass right and we will win the case! You have so much evidence against him. Plus you have one of the best divorce lawyers hired right?". 

I nodded in response to his question. "Okay great. And don't forget, I'll be by your side the entire time.", he said smiling at me. I hugged him so tight I could feel his heartbeat. I didn't care how tight I was holding him because he made me feel at home. While we were still hugging, he whispered into my ear, "Can I go let Eric in now? He's just been standing out there.". I chuckled a little, pulled away from the hug, and nodded back to him. As he stood up, I grabbed his arm, and he looked at me and I stood up and kissed him. Nothing big. It just felt like we would do it for the rest of our lives. He pulled away and smiled at me. As he walked away, he held onto my arm until he physically couldn't. I sat back down on the couch as he let Eric into my trailer. They both walked in and Patrick helped himself to my fridge and he grabbed all of us a water bottle and we told Eric everything. About the honeymoon, the kidnapping, and now the divorce. I also told them that Sara knew too. 

"Oh my god, Ellen. I'm so sorry to hear how he has been treating you like this. If you need anyone to be a witness at court, I'll be there.", Eric said.

I smiled back as a way of saying, 'Thanks', and we all left my trailer to go back to the sound stage. 

Patrick's POV:

While we were walking back to the sound stage, I felt my phone buzz. I looked at my phone and I saw a text notification from Jillian saying, "Our first day of marriage counseling is on October 23rd.". 'Oh shit', I thought to myself, 'That's the day that Ellen and Chris will be facing each other in court and I can't miss that. I have to be there for her but if I don't go, Jillian will literally kill me. Now I really don't know what to do'. I didn't reply back to her message and kept on walking and talking about casual stuff with Eric and Ellen. 

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