Chapter 58

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Ellen's POV:

After trying on what seemed like hundreds of dresses, I found the perfect one. It complimented my curves in every way. The skirt of the dress flowed behind me like a magic carpet. I was in love with this dress. I looked in the mirror before stepping out of the dressing room to show everyone. I made eye contact with myself and started to cry. I just couldn't believe that through everything Patrick and I have been through, we were able to connect with each other and fall in love, just like our characters did.

I wiped the tears that formed in my eyes and I stepped out of the dressing room and the woman who was helping us, tied up the back of the dress. I turned around and all the girls were in shock. Their hands went straight to their faces and they all gasped in unison. I laughed at them. The worker was putting pins in the dress at the spots that needed to be hemmed. I then went back into the dressing room to change back into my clothes. I took out my phone to take a quick photo in the dress and I then proceeded to change back into my clothes.

I walked out of the dressing room, handed the dress back to the worker and she said, "This dress is absolutely stunning on you! Your fiancé is going to love it. Your alterations will be done within a few weeks so we'll call you when they are all done and you'll pay for it then!".

"Awesome, thank you for everything!", I said while walking out of the store.

Katherine linked all of our arms together and said, "Come on! Let's all go out for a few drinks to celebrate Ellen for finding the most stunning wedding dress ever!".

I laughed and looked around to see if there were any bars around. There was one right across the street so we walked over there and we seated ourselves down at the bar.

The bartender asked us what our drinks would be and we all ordered our usuals and we talked about the wedding, Kaylee, and of course, work.

Now, I really didn't have anything in mind about how I wanted to ask people to be my bridesmaids. But since we were out and these girls have been on my side for the past few years of the show, I decided, why not ask them to be my bridesmaids.

I set my drink down that was in my hand and looked at all of them, "Okay, girls. I really wasn't planning on making a big deal out of this nor did I plan on doing this here but, I would like to ask all of you to be my bridesmaids!", I squealed with excitement.

All of them set their drinks down and came around to hug me, "Of course we would!", said Chyler.

"Thanks, guys. Now, Patrick and I have not done any wedding planning but once we have our color theme, I'll let you guys know and I'll send y'all your dresses!".

"Awesome sounds like a plan.", Sandra said while reaching into her purse to pay the bartender.

We all paid our tab and we walked out of the restaurant and to our cars to leave.

Before I left, I texted Patrick to see if he was all done. He was and he also picked up Kaylee from Chandra's. I smiled after reading his last text message and I drove myself home.

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