Chapter 25

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Patrick's POV:

After our 2 and 1/2 hour competitive hike, we were done. During the hike, Ellen and I just talked about life and what she was planning on stating at her court hearing that was tomorrow. The car ride home was like a mini-concert with Ellen. The radio was turned up very loud and all I heard was Ellen and the music. She wasn't the best singer but whatever made her happy made me happy. 

We arrived home and it was 1:13 p.m., just in time for lunch. We got out of the car and we made it inside. Ellen started to make us sandwiches. She knew what I liked, a classic bacon, lettuce, tomato, and her favorite was a ham, with swiss cheese, and lettuce sandwich. She grabbed the sandwiches and bottles of water and walked to the couches in the living room, where I was, and we decided on what to watch. I was clicking through the T.V. and I realized an episode from Grey's Anatomy was on. We both looked at each other and the look we gave was 'let's watch it.', so I clicked on it, and we realized right away that it was the first episode. "Awh, the memories.", Ellen said. 

I smiled back at her. "I could vividly remember this day.", I said.

It was the first day of shooting Grey's Anatomy. We didn't have much hope for the pilot since medical T.V. shows that get really popular only happen once in a blue moon. And since E.R. was already on the air, I had little hope for this pilot. I walked onto the sound stage and I saw this beautiful, very thin girl with caramel hair that was curled and her curtain bangs complemented her face perfectly. 'Damn, isn't she beautiful', I thought to myself. A producer handed me a script for the rest of the season and said, "Read it over. Maybe we'll get picked up by the network.". I thanked him and I continued to stare at this mysterious, beautiful lady.

We didn't get to have a table read before we shot the pilot so we were really crossing our fingers for this one. I barely knew anyone here. The only people I knew were Shonda and the casting crew.

I took a deep breath and walked towards her. I had no clue who she is but whoever she is, she better be on this show. As I was about to say something to her, she turned to look at me and I guess I startled her. "Oh, hey!', she said in her perfect Boston accent.

"Hey", I replied back. "I'm Patrick Dempsey. I play Derek Shepherd. And you are?", I said sticking my hand out.

"Patrick", she said firmly shaking my hand, "I'm Ellen Pompeo. I play Meredith Grey. Look I'd love to get to know you but I gotta get going. Would you like to get some coffee?".

Without thinking I answered, "Yeah. Just text me when you're available.", I said handing her my phone. She typed in her number. I was going to ask where she was going but before I could form a sentence she was gone. I looked at the pilot script to see who Meredith Grey was. After reading the first few lines, it hit me, I was her love interest. 

I smiled so hugely but I tried to make it subtle before anyone could notice. I walked out of the sound stage and to my trailer so I could re-read the pilot script. I opened the door to my trailer and there she was again. Ellen Pompeo. "Uh maybe you have the wrong trailer?", I questioned her.

She turned around as she was eating some pineapple. "I think we got lucky and we share this trailer. Budget cuts?", she said.

I walked in more and sat down on the couch and continued to read the script. "McDreamy. I get it.", she said interrupting my concentration.

"What?", I questioned her.

"Oh, a lot of people here call you McDreamy. I totally see it", she replied.

I chuckled back at her reply. "Patrick, Patrick. Patrick", interrupted my thoughts. I shook my head and looked at Ellen.

"I'm going to take a nap, our hike wore me out.", she said as she put the dishes in the sink. 

"Yeah. I might join you.", I said as I turned off the T.V., I put my plate in the sink and followed her up the steps. We decided to sleep in Jillian and I's old room, which I could call it Ellen and I's house at this point. We took off the covers and fell asleep, just like I hope to for the rest of our lives. 

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