Chapter 28

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Patrick's POV:

That nurse is not about to say what I think she's going to say. None of us were divorced yet. Ellen's getting divorced tomorrow but I have no clue what is going on with Jillian. I'm glad she's gone but I haven't talked to her, at least sober, in a day or two. "Congratulations you two, you're pregnant!", the nurse said breaking my thought.

"Thank you.", Ellen and I both said to her and the nurse left the room. Ellen got off the bed and sat on the chair next to me. She placed her right hand on my thigh and said, "Well that's not what I was expecting...".

I looked deep into her eyes and said, "Yeah... I wasn't expecting that either.".

"What are we going to do?", she asked.

I took her hand and we stood up and I said, "Let's go home and talk.", I said opening the door. While on the way out I stopped at the front desk, paid the amount that the insurance didn't cover, and we walked to my car and we drove home. The ride home we spent in total silence. If any of us would've said something, it would've made it even more awkward.

After the car ride, we arrived home and we both entered the house. Ellen sat on the couch while I poured a glass of wine. I sat down next to her. She looked up at me and her face read, 'Really'. 

"Right, you can't drink.", I said while getting up and throwing the freshly poured glass of wine down the sink. I walked back over to her and I sat right next to her. I picked her up by her waist and set her right on top of me. "So, what are we going to do?", I asked her.

She looked into my eyes and I just stared into her green, perfect eyes and she said, "I was thinking about this on the car ride home. I'm divorcing Chris and facing him tomorrow. That is how I'm getting out of my marriage. You on the other hand? I have no clue. Do you really think Jillian left you that fast? I mean come on. You have 3 beautiful kids. I think Talula misses you."

I really pondered on the last sentence she said. I do miss my kids but I'm so much happier with Ellen. It's sad and true. I love and miss my kids but I don't miss the constant fighting I did with Jillian. "Yes. I do miss my kids but I'm so much happier with you.", I said while rubbing her back. "And we're gonna get through this. Our love for each other is out of this world! Once we get our spouses out of our lives, we'll be free and we can get married! Come on, Ellen. Picture this.", I said placing her on the couch and I stood up and held her hands.

"It's a beautiful day in summer and it's our wedding day. All of our best friends and co-workers are there celebrating our special day. Come on, Ellen! I dream about this. Don't you?", I said as I sat next to her again.

She laughed her cute, contagious laugh, "Yes, of course, I do! I dream about it too. I just feel bad for Jillian and your kids. I mean you left them for me. Why me?", she said.

"Why not you? You're the definition of perfect! I mean come on. I love you!", I said while kissing her.

She kissed me back very passionately. "Okay, Mr. Lover-man. I'm hungry.", she said standing up heading to the kitchen. 'Oh those pregnancy hormones starting already', I thought to myself. I took a big sigh, stood up, and followed her to the kitchen and we made a fruit salad together.

While making the fruit salad, we danced and sung some songs to make the time go by. 

After we were done, we snacked on the fruit salad and talked about what tomorrow could bring to the plate. We discussed some things to talk about and before we knew it, it was 8:21 pm and we were once hungry again. We made some classic orange chicken with rice and steamed broccoli. We enjoyed the delicious, juicy dinner. While enjoying dinner, we talked about what else our future could hold. 

In the middle of dinner, we were interrupted by a knock on the door. I stood up and opened the door and an unwelcomed visitor pierced my vision. 

My Safe Place to LandOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora