Chapter 48

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Ellen's POV:

I sat down in a chair in the waiting room as Patrick checked me in. He sat down next to me and grabbed my hand for some comfort. The somewhat silent waiting room was filled with another couple that had 3 kids. The T.V. was on a commercial break. The commercial break ended and an episode of Grey's Anatomy happened to be on. "What a coincidence.", Patrick said looking at me.

"Yeah.", I chuckled, "I wonder what episode it is.".

Our attention was focused on the episode and it happened the be the episode of the ferry boat crash. "Aw, this episode. It's such a good one.", Patrick said while turning his head to me. 

"Yeah, it really was.".

Patrick reached his other free hand towards me. I reached my hand to grab his. Another commercial break had just happened and the next scene was when Meredith gets pushed into the water by the guy. I gasped when Meredith fell into the water. Patrick turned his head to me, "What? Is everything okay?".

I brushed some hair that was on my face, "Yeah.", I chuckled, "The scene just gets me every time.".

"Oh.", Patrick laughed, "you're so cute.", he said smiling at me and we turned our attention back to the T.V.

The next scene that played on the T.V. was when Derek saved Meredith and pulled her out of the water. When the T.V. showed Derek holding Meredith in his arms, Patrick squeezed my hand and I gently rubbed my thumb against his. He turned to look at me and tears started to form in his eyes. I looked at him and wiped a tear from his cheek. "What's wrong? Does this scene make you emotional?", I asked.

"Yeah, it kinda does.", Patrick said while wiping another tear that fell onto his face. "It's just that, you know how Derek tells Meredith that 'she was like coming up for fresh air like he was drowning and he saved her?', I feel that way about you. Even though Derek and Meredith's love is fictional, ours is real and I couldn't be happier about it.", he said smiling.

"Patrick, that is one of the sweetest things I've ever heard.", I said grabbing his face and pulling him in for a quick kiss. 

We pulled away and before we knew it, the nurse called my name, "Ellen?".

Patrick stood up and held out his hand. I placed my hand in his while standing up. We walked to the door where the nurse was at. "Room 7 is your room.".

We walked to the room and I sat on the table as Patrick sat on the chair next to the table. 

The nurse walked in and asked some questions about me and the baby. She then left and about 8 minutes later, our doctor walked in.

"Good morning, you two.", she said while washing her hands, "I'm Doctor Maria Reynolds, but please, call me Maria, since I'll be your doctor for the rest of your pregnancy.".

We all shook hands with each other. "Please, Ellen, lay back on the table so I can apply the cooling gel onto your stomach.".

I laid back and reached for Patrick's hand. His hand was right where I needed it to be. She applied the gel onto my stomach and I squeezed his hand tighter. The coldness of the gel always scared me. 

She pointed to the screen, "And here is your beautiful baby. Now you're about 20 weeks, so you can find out the gender of your baby. Would you two like to?", she asked looking at Patrick and me.

I turned my head to Patrick's and he gave a slight nod and smiled. I turned my head back around towards Maria. I smiled, "Yes.".

She moved the ultrasound wand around my stomach, "Here is your beautiful baby girl! Congratulations you two!".

I smiled and turned to look at Patrick who had tears in his eyes. I unlinked our hands to wipe his tears away. 

"I'll print out some pictures if you'd like.", Maria said handing me a napkin to wipe the gel off my stomach. 

"Yes, please, Maria.", Patrick spoke. 

She printed and handed us the pictures. "Well, you and your baby are healthy. Nothing seems to look concerning. You two are free to leave. Just make sure to schedule another appointment at the front desk.", Maria said leaving the room.

I hopped off the table and we left the room. We scheduled another appointment and we left the building.

We got into the car and Patrick started to drive. Once again, our hands were linked together, just like they always are. "It's a girl!", I squealed with excitement.

"Yes! Now we can go baby clothes shopping", Patrick said mimicking my excitement.

I laughed, "I found it very cute when you started to cry over the baby.".

He turned his head to look at me, "Was it really cute?".

"It was adorable. One of the most adorable things I've ever seen.".

"Oh shut up.", Patrick said while taking his hand off the wheel. He unlinked our hands and grabbed my face and kissed me, hard and passionate. "Now that's adorable.", he said placing his hand back in mine and the other on the wheel.

I laughed and Patrick drove the rest of the way home. 

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