Chapter 39

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Ellen's POV:

On the car ride home, I was thinking of every possible situation that this baby could be Chris's. Before I knew it, we pulled into the driveway. I got out of the car as quickly as I could, ran inside, and ran to the bathroom that was downstairs. I locked the door and started to cry due to the fact that I was so overwhelmed. 

I heard a knock on the door and I knew it was Patrick. I didn't know if I wanted to talk to him. He didn't do anything wrong but I just needed some alone time. "Please go away.", I shouted at the door.

I heard him take a breath through the door and I heard his feet glide across the kitchen floor. I feel bad for shutting him out. It's not like he did anything.

I collected myself together, unlocked the door, and saw Patrick sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. I walked over to him and sat down. The second I sat down he gave me the biggest hug I have ever gotten. He didn't move and I didn't move either. We just sat there for a good 30 seconds.

He finally pulled away and he rested his forehead against mine. "El, if there's anything I can do to take your mind off of this I will. I'll do anything.".

I stared into his crystal blue eyes that I have fallen in love with. "Paddy, I don't think there is anything to do."

He took a big sigh and proceeded to say, "Do we dare take a DNA test?".

I contemplated that thought. It would give us the answer now but if we found out that it was Chris's baby, I don't think I would be mentally okay. "No. I think it's best for my mentality to wait until it's born.".

He took his forehead off mine and grabbed my chin, pulled it in closer to his face to close the space between us, and his lips softly pressed against mine. I passionately put effort into the kiss then pulled away. We both smiled at each other. "I love you so much.", I said.

"Not as much as I love you.", he said while standing up. 

Patrick made lunch for both of us and we ate and just talked about work.

"Umm, I wasn't supposed to tell you this.", he started, "but in a couple of weeks, there is going to be a Merder proposal.".

I looked up from my salad, "Awh, really?", I questioned.

"Yeah. So I think within the next few weeks we should start practicing for the proposal so you know, it looks real.", he said.

"Yeah. I think that would be perfect.", I said while I took the last bite of my salad.

He stood up and took our dishes to the sink. He came back and sat down next to me.

For the rest of the day, we just talked about the future life of the baby. I think even if it ends up being Chris's, Patrick will support the baby as if it was his own. And knowing and thinking that after I found out that I'm farther along than I anticipated and Patrick didn't make a big scene or anything, makes me love and appreciate him more. 

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