Chapter 49

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Patrick's POV:

A few weeks have passed since we found out the gender of the baby. Now, it's time to make the big move, the proposal.

I looked at the clock in my trailer, 8:32 p.m., it read. 'Perfect', I thought to myself. I got up to go change into a suit and tie and grabbed the ring that was hiding in a drawer. I opened the box and saw the perfect 4.5 princess cut diamond ring. I rubbed my finger against the grooves in the ring. I then closed the box and put it in my pocket.

I went to the counter and picked up my phone to text Eric and Justin since they were going to be helping me set up the backyard. I made sure they were ready to go. I then texted T.R., since he was bringing Ellen home. T.R. and Ellen had one more scene to film then they would arrive at the house, which gave us the perfect amount of time to set up the backyard.

Eric and Justin texted back that they were ready to go. I left my trailer and on the way to my car I texted Ellen, "Hey babe, I have to leave a little early, Talula doesn't feel well. I'll meet you at home, T.R. said he will take you home.". I hit send, got into my car, and started to drive home.

While driving, I got all nervous, 'what if she doesn't say yes? what if she hates the whole idea', every negative thought entered my head.

I finally arrived home and about 5 minutes later, Eric and Justin pulled into the driveway. They had all the rose petals that were going to be laid down in the backyard.

We walked into the backyard and since this was Eric and Justin's first time seeing our yard they both said, "Patrick, this is absolutely beautiful. The sun is setting at the most perfect time. She's going to love it!".

"Really?", I questioned. "I'm just so nervous.", I started to tear up.

Eric touched my shoulder, "Patrick, she's going to say yes.".

"Thanks, man", I said touching his shoulder.

"Alright my dudes, let's get started!", Justin said.

We laid all of the rose petals down. All of them were in a heart. There was a trail of candles leading to the bottom of the heart and at the top of the heart, that is where I will be standing.

"This is absolutely gorgeous", Justin said.

"Just like Ellen", I said out loud.

"You're so in love with her!", Eric shouted.

"Yes. Yes, I am.", I said.

I felt a buzz in my back pocket. I reached to turn on my phone and I received a text notification from T.R. reading, "Your lady and I are on the way!".

I smiled at the text message and replied, "Thank you.".

"They're on the way.", I told Eric and Justin.

I got nervous knowing that in about 30 minutes, I would be proposing to the love of my life. I felt some tears form in my eyes. I wiped them away. While we were waiting for Ellen and T.R. to arrive, Eric, Justin, and I just talked about work.

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