Chapter 55

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Ellen's POV:

We arrived home and we brought our perfect little baby into the house. Patrick took her out of the car seat and placed her in the crib that was in the living room. I grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge and sat down on the couch. After Patrick set her into the crib, he sat down next to me. We just stared into each other's eyes, taking in our perfect baby and our perfect lives.

"I just have one question?", I asked.

"What is it, babe?", he answered opening his arms up. I scooted over to lay in his chest, the place I love to call my second home.

"If the first time we had sex was in our trailer 8-ish months ago, then how is she yours when the doctor said I was further along than I thought I was?", I asked.

"Well, we had to do it before then, right?", Patrick responded.

"Well yes, but when?", I asked looking up into his eyes.

It was the end of season 3 cast party. They had a party since they only had about 2 weeks off before the filming of season 4 started.

Patrick walked into his trailer, which he shared with Ellen, and saw Ellen looking at her phone with some tears in her eyes. He quickly ran over to her and hugged her from behind, "What's wrong?", he asked.

She turned herself around and looked straight into Patrick's eyes, which she could easily fall in love with. She knew she shouldn't since he was happy and married to Jillian, and she was pregnant with his twins and she was dating Chris.

She wiped some tears from her eyes, "Nothing.", she said while shaking her head and looking back down.

Patrick took his hand and moved Ellen's chin up so he could get all of her attention. "Somethings up, I can tell. I know you. What's. Wrong.?", he asked in a very serious tone.

Ellen took a deep breath and proceeded to say, "Ugh. It's just Chris and another one of his stupid fights he's trying to pick with me.".

Patrick took Ellen's phone from her hand and threw it onto the bed. "Forget him. Take him off of your mind. Let's go to the party, dance around, drink a few drinks, and have some fun!", Patrick said while dancing around a bit, trying to make Ellen smile.

His goofiness worked and a sheer smile appeared on her face. "That's the smile I love!", Patrick said while wrapping his arm around her as they left the trailer to go to the party.

After a few drinks were in each other's systems, Ellen had forgotten about all her drama with Chris. She was lonely, though. She wanted Patrick. She looked around the room and saw him talking to Katherine. She walked over to him and invaded in his conversation with Katherine.

Both Patrick and Katherine both knew that she was gone. "El, how many drinks have you had?", Patrick asked being concerned about Ellen's well-being.

"Who gives a fuck. I'm drunk!", she shouted, lifting her hands in the air which caused her to spill the drink that was in her hand all over her and Patrick.

"I'm sorry, Katherine. I'm going to clean her up. I'll talk to you later.", Patrick apologized to Katherine.

"It's okay. She needs to be cleaned up.", Katherine replied.

Patrick and Ellen made their way back to their trailer. Patrick also had a few drinks in his system but he wasn't as drunk as Ellen was.

They entered the trailer and Ellen stumbled her way back to the couch. She was barely able to sit down on the couch.

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