21 Help

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Part 21 Help...

At the same time, when Khushi came to AR, Arvind and Ratna went to Raveena's house with Manorama and Manohar. Raveena welcomed them.

*Mom... what a surprise...?* She hugged Manorama.

*When did you come?*

*Yesterday...* Manorama said.

*Thank God, you thought to meet me...*

*Actually, we came to meet your mother-in-law... I called Damadji today morning and he said he is out of the station...* Arvind said taking a seat.

Raveena frowned.

*Anything, important?*

*Yes...we came to talk about Chotte's wedding...* Ratna said.

Raveena's facial expression changed.

*Mom... didn't I say, don't think about asking my sister-in-law's hand for Chotte...?* she said irritatingly.

At the same time, Raveena's mother-in-law, Ganga came out of the room.

*God, you... please come... how you are doing?* Ganga asked gladly.

*By God's grace, we are fine...*

*Manoramaji... when did you come?*

*Just yesterday...*

*Ravi, go and bring something for them...* Ganga said.

*That's ok... we have to go...* Arvind said.

*what is so urgent?*

*Yeah, we have a lot of work...* Arvind said.

*Anything... shall I know?* Ganga asked.

Raveena was suffocating... she doesn't want them to say what she is assuming. Before she said anything,

*We are here to invite you to Chotte's marriage.*

Ganga looked at Raveena surprisingly. Arnav's marriage has been fixed and she is unaware of it...

*You mean, Arnav's marriage?* Ganga asked.

*Jee...* Ratna said.

*That's great...* Ganga said unbelievably.

*The day after tomorrow is ROKA... and the rituals are starting after that... we will be happy with your presence...*

*Sure...how would we not get participated...? After all, he is Ravi's brother...* Ganga said looking at Raveena.

Raveena was choking how could her parents be so avoidance towards her?

*Why didn't you tell me about the proposal before? Is this the way to invite me?* Raveena asked directly.

*I will bring you something...* Ganga went to the kitchen, giving them space...

*It just confirmed two days ago...* Ratna said.

*You didn't tell me two days ago but now... after fixing the date...*

*Ravi... being a sister of Arnav bituwa, you should be happy about his decision...* Manorama said.

*How did he agree to the marriage?*

*We convinced him...* Ratna said.

*By the way, who is the bride? Hope, at least this time, you would have found a well-cultured girl...*

Cutting her,

*Shashi's daughter, Khushi...* Arvind said.

*Whaaaaat! Don't you get a family with a good status?*

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