3: unexpected visitor

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After returning to my room, I decided to enjoy the mild breeze from my back door as I continued reading the rest of my book. The radio was on in the background playing relaxing songs from smooth radio station. I had gotten to the part in Little women where Laurie and Jo have a fight after he reveals his feelings for Jo. I can honestly see where she is coming from, why can't they just be friends and not have these issues get in the way? She's so driven and intelligent, far more intelligent than most people anyway, which is why her focus is not solely concentrated on marriage and future prospects but towards her passion for writing and challenging her mind, proving herself in a society ruled by men.

Eventually I got tired and went upstairs to get washed up ready for bed. I lined up the perfect songs to shower to, a shower isn't the same without the right playlist. I settled on an indy pop playlist as I washed my hair and let the hot steam soothe my body as I breathed it all in. As I opened the bathroom window I could see a large grey Range Rover parking by the side of the house. Our house is on a corner, so the back garden is shielded by a tall 8ft wall with a back gate locked at all times. My bedroom back door leads on to the garden while everyone else's rooms are situated upstairs.

I have never seen this car before so our neighbour must have finally gotten his promotion. He talked about how he would get a company car included in this new role, so he must have gotten it! I should remember to pop round if I see him and congratulate him.

I eventually tied my hair back into two plaits and got into my pyjamas. It has been really hot the last week so I have been sleeping in shorts and a loose t-shirt that just about reaches my belly button. This is the most revealing I ever dress which is convenient because nobody will ever see me.

I do stand in front of the mirror and appreciate myself I have to admit. Not in a self absorbed way but rather a healthy appreciation for my body. I have a very healthy diet fron losing weight a while back. I've gone from being a little bit chunky to being nice and slim and toned. Of course I still have to put up with the sizeable breasts and my behind but other than that I am fairly thin now which I'm proud of. In an ideal world I would be a B cup and not have to spend extortionate money on sports bras so I can work out at-least half comfortably.

I get into bed around 11pm and remember my dream from last night. Suddenly I'm excited in remembering the details and I happily turn the light off as I snuggle up to the warm duvet around me. I couldn't remember if I locked my back door but it was the last thing on my mind as I quickly gave into my pillow and switched off.


I wake up suddenly in shock to a strange sound from outside. I am half conscious and struggle to reach my glasses, eventually I find them and go to the hallway to see if I can see anything out of the peephole of the front door.
It seems fairly quiet, no cars, no screaming students returning from the pub, so I head to the kitchen and get myself a glass of water. I couldn't find my phone, but I think it was around 2/3am.
While I'm drinking I feel goosebumps rise in my arms as a light breeze comes through the kitchen. Damn I don't think I closed my door properly. It did feel slightly cold earlier as I was falling asleep so I probably haven't shut the door correctly and letting a draught in.

I head back to my room with my water and as I enter my room I see the back door slightly ajar. It definitely wasn't open, I know that much. I feel suddenly anxious and rush to the door to lock it closed. I'm sure nobody opened the door, I'm just jumping to conclusions.

It didn't occur to me that rather than locking someone out I could have locked someone in...

And in an instant a pair of rough hands pulls me back, covering my mouth with one hand and the other arm wrapped around my waist. A hand squeezing into my side keeping me from pushing away,  surely leaving trails of bruises behind. As I start screaming I am pushed up against the back door completely unable to fight back. As he pins me down I feel him press his lips to my ear as he whispers something unintelligible as all I can hear is the sound of my own panicked breathing and the manic pace of my heartbeat. My screams are muffled and I now notice a very strong chemical smell coming from the cloth pressed to my mouth which is bound to be chloroform. I breath it in more and more until my body goes limp. I want to kick, scream, anything that could raise the alarm. But I can't, as he lowers me to my knees he turns me to face him as he holds me and rests my head against his chest. "It's okay Shh, that's a good girl, I've got you... I've got you" I hear in a low whispering voice, feeling his lips graze my temple. It sounds almost comforting despite the fact he has broken in and attacked me.

All I can do is make small grumbling noises as I'm unable to move or raise my voice any louder. His hand comes to the side of my neck as his thumb grazes my cheek holding my head up. I manage to bring my eyes up to meet his. I am met with strikingly blue eyes, staring into my own crystal eyes, making a study of me. He looks to be late forties or fifties judging by the ageing in his face with thick dark hair like mine. He doesn't look old, he looks quite handsome. I'm trying to remember as much as I can so I can make a profile of him to turn into the police. That was a pointless thought.

Suddenly I feel a sharp cold pain in my neck, what I immediately identify as a needle. A cool sensation flows through the skin of my neck from the syringe. He sees the panic in my eyes as I let out a painful gasp. I manage to bring my hand up and push on his chest. He only tightens his grip harder and brings me closer. I can feel his breath now, fanning my face and laced with subtle hints of peppermint. Not breaking eye contact for one moment. There is a stern, more threatening look that comes over his face at my sudden movement as if telling me to stop immediately. Or else. I recognised this and pulled back, to which he let a small smile creep up in the corner of his mouth. If I wasn't already scared I definitely was now.

The nightmare is nearly over as he starts to fade as I feel things become quieter, blurrier. I feel lighter as my body becomes motionless, not being able to move a muscle, as my head rests against his rising and falling chest as I slip away into darkness. It's a dream, it's a dream... please be a dream.

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