Chapter 51: My.... brother?

Start from the beginning

"Name. What's his name?" HanNi's definitely impatient.

"His name is HanGyuk. Judging by the first letter of your names, HanNi and HanGyuk. They're definitely twins. From the colour of your hair, the eyes, the two are definitly like a splitting image with different gender!" Fang exclaimed.

"B-but....him...HanGyuk...where is that HanGyuk? Why didn't I know anything about this?" HanNi's eyes started to get teary.

"I don't know anythign about that, Princess. But, I don't know what Prince HanGyuk looks like now. It's been..13 years since the last time I saw him. He's probably really tall by now, handsome and all. " Fang commented.

"You said...13 years ago? That's like...when I was 5.. where did he go?" HanNi asked.

"If I tell you, what would you do? Princess?" Fang asked while looking down, fidgeting.

"I..I-I.. I'll find him! Whatever! I will go and find him! Where is he?" she's desperate.

"He was taken away by one of Zehtug's people.." Fang answered. 

HanNi's eyes widened in shock and the boys gasped in shocked too. They couldn't believe what they just heard. The reason why HanNi grew up as the only child alone, without knowing about having a twin brother is definitely shocking for her.

"I..I want to know why we got seperated. At least if I find out, I'll feel like the gaps in my memories will be covered... so please... tell me Fang.. at least finding what happened to my brother and where he is right now and finding him... that's the only thing I can do for him. The fact that he grew up without me or Mom or Dad or anyone blood-related.. I feel... I feel like I've taken away those things from him.." HanNi's tears fell.

"....The reason why is because after the two of you are born, Zehturg attacked with the knowlegde of the two royal prince and princess were born, thinking that if he took you away from your parents and the castle, he'll be able to conquer the whole EXO PLANET with the help of you powers. It was a sudden attack so the castle didn't get to plan on everything and it was a chaos. Everyone panicked and decided to split the two of you and take you away from the kingdom and hide you." Fang finished.

" S-so..." Kai stuttered.

"So that meas HanNi-ah has a twin brother?! Then we should go and find him! They're identical right? It would be easy to find him as long as we see his face, right?" Suho said.

"Easier said than done." HanN mumbled.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Baekhyun asked.

"We have no idea where he could possibly is right now, don't we? Looking for him without a clue other than being taken by Zehturg's person and having the same face as me, do you think we can find him with that?" HanNi said firmly.


Somewhere in EXO PLANET, Ari wondered around the laboratory while holding the box that he found in the basement. Looking at the photos over and over, examining it and thinking why would such thing end up in that crappy place? 

"Argh...why the hell am I keeping this shit?" he ruffled his hair mess.

"There's photos of two kids and...probably their parents? I can't tell, but it looks like a photo when they were born..? Ooh~ they look identical! Ah, which one is the girl? Which is the boy? Oh no, wait, are these both girls? Boys? Both?Maybe looking at *it will be helpful...Eh~ they're fraternal twins, one boy one girl. But they look identical."

Urgh..! I'm getting interested in such things! What the hell is this thing?! Who's kids are these?! 

"Getting fascinated by crap, how stupid." Ari hissed.

"Stupid family. They're not helpful at all." Ari said and tossed the box carelessly then walked off.


Hey hey everyone~! (sorry for the graphic errors!)

New update is here! Latest update "Chapter 51:" has come! Even though it's short! I really can't write something longer than this! Yay! 

Being in one of the top classes at school is really hard~! And it sucks too~! I'm not happy as you can see~!! Hahaha! NO. -_-

Anyways, see you next time~ ja~



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