xxiii. weasleys' wizard wheezes

Start from the beginning

Ordinary Wizarding Level Results

Pass Grades

Outstanding (O)

Exceeds Expectations (E)

Acceptable (A)

Fail Grades

Poor (P)

Dreadful (D)

Troll (T)

Deanna Ariana Dumbledore has achieved:

Astronomy D

Care of Magical Creatures E

Charms O

Defense Against the Dark Arts O

Divination A

Herbology E

History of Magic D

Potions O

Transfiguration O

"Uncle Ab, Aunt Ari, I got 7 O.W.L.s!" Deanna squealed in delight and gave Aberforth a hug and Ariana a kiss on the cheek. Ariana giggled because despite being a portrait, Deanna never failed to make her feel like she belonged.

"I'm proud of you, love." Aberforth kissed the top of her head. "You can be a Professor."

Deanna smiled widely at that. Being a Hogwarts Professor was always her dream, and she can finally achieve that dream after a few years. She wanted to be a Professor in Defense Against the Dark Arts or Transfiguration, and she would work hard to achieve that dream of hers.

"And this calls for some special chocolate milk." Aberforth and Ariana laughed loudly when Deanna's blue eyes similar to their own twinkled in glee. Their niece surely loved her hotdogs and chocolate milk and especially those purple socks with cookies and milk that she wore. Deanna excused herself to put away her results and ran back upstairs to her room.

"Oh, there are more." Deanna said in surprise, having just noticed the extra letters inside the envelope. She opened them one by one and grinned when she saw that the letters were from Pomona, Minerva and Hagrid, all congratulating her for her results and for being qualified to become a Professor one day. She made a mental note to write letters to them later. She also saw that there was a letter from her father and opened it with excitement.

My little phoenix,

I am most utterly pleased at the news of your results. You can finally achieve your dreams, love, and you have made me so proud as you've always done so. Hogwarts will have gained a mighty protector and one of the best professors ever to have taught in this school once you get hired. Keep your head up high, and never change, love. All you need to achieve your dreams is love and trust. I love you, Deanna. I know you will do it.



"Why is he like this?" Deanna wiped away her tears and let out a shaky chuckle while stroking Fawkes' bald skin. To hear others congratulate you and say they're proud of you was different from hearing it from your father. Especially if your father is Albus Dumbledore. She really needed to hear those words and she heard those words from her father. Deanna felt lucky to have him, Aberforth, Ariana, Hermione and everyone in her life. They were all she needed.

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