Present Mic x Ftm!reader

Start from the beginning

We sprinted a few more blocks before Mic grabbed my shoulder to stop me. I turned to see him staring at my side.

"You're hurt." He croaked out.

"Not now Hizashi!" I said but it was too late. The criminal had found us again but this time he had three other criminals with him. They all looked to have the same, or similar quirks to him.

We were backed into a corner I pulled out a plastic bag and tried enlarging it. Before I could, one of the men lunged out and ripped it to pieces.

"We have no quarrel with you, so why don't you just get out of our way?" The one who ripped the bag said. "We are here for the voice hero."

"Why? Why do you want Mic so bad?" I asked, stepping in front of him.

"He killed our parents. Him and his friend Eraserhead." Another one piped up.

I turned to look at mic who looked confused and terrified.

"Present Mic has never killed anyone! He protects this city and you should be thankful." I said taking a step forward. None of them even blinked.

"This is not your battle. Get out of the way and let the coward fight his own battle." The original criminal said. "I will not leave my husband to die alone, now tell me how he killed them!" I said trying to buy us some time.

"It was their negligence that killed them! The great Present Mic and Eraserhead were battling a villain again so my parents took us out to watch." The original criminal explained.

"You two were our favorite heroes. Neither of you had amazing quirks like All Might but you were still pros. We all looked up to you both more than anyone else." The second criminal explained.

"Then, during the fight, you activated your quirk." Said the third.

"And your 'cute' little apparatus there was broken. Your voice bounced off of everything, it hit cars, people, and buildings." The fourth one broke in for the first time. "A piece of a building broke off, and in the panic, it hit our parents who were trying to flee with us. We survived but we were left, orphans."

"So we grew up on the street. Robbing jewelry stores and stealing purses."

"We eventually got ourselves an apartment with a television. Guess who we saw on the television. "

"None other than the believed voice hero Present Mic."

"You had become a teacher at U.A. but were still patrolling the streets. Their one mistake was to interview you where you patrol."

" You see, we know every part of this dirty town so it was a matter of time before you showed up again and we could find you."

"And that is why we must ask you to step aside."

I stared at them as the anger began to boil deep in the pit of my stomach. You see, the one upside to my power is, I can enlarge anything, I touch, that means myself or even Mic.

I put my hand on my chest and quickly doubled, tripled, quadrupled, etc. in size.

The criminals stepped back not quite expecting this to happen. Once I was large enough I scooped up all four of them in my hand and Mic in the other.

I made my way to the hospital and placed Mic down in front of the entrance. Then I walked off to deliver the criminals to the police station. Just in time too because as soon as they were in custody I began to shrink back to my normal size.

Once I returned to my normal size I started back to the hospital. My mind wandered to what the criminals were talking about. You know, I should stop referring to them as criminals. I mean, yeah they hurt Mic but I can't blame them for their actions. Their parents died in a freak accident and they didn't know who to blame. They were just trying to process their grief, and let me tell you grief can change a person.

On my walk, it began to rain, of course. I pulled my collar up and hurried to the hospital. When I got into reception they told me that he would be out of the examination room soon, and I could take him home. I nodded and sat down placing a hand over the deep wound from earlier. I was trying to ignore it and decided to see if I could get some shut-eye.

I must have dozed off because when I opened my eyes a nurse was shaking my shoulder.

"Mr. Yamada?" She asked and I nodded my head. "Okay, well, you can take Hizashi home soon but he alerted me to the fact that you may be injured as well. Judging by the blood on your hand, I think you should come with me."

I was too out of it to really argue with her so I got up and followed her to an examination room.

I was told to take off my jacket, and the top part of my uniform. I did as I was told and said the wound clearly for the first time. Let me tell you, it was not a pretty sight and I'm sure it was already becoming infected. I looked away and the nurse got to work.

About an hour and a half later I was allowed to leave the exam room and I saw Mic waiting for me. He had bandages covering what I supposed were stitched and he looked up once I entered the room. He smiled and stood up to greet me.

"You're a snitch you do know that right?" I said as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh, that's how it's gonna be? In that case, you are a stupidly reckless man who doesn't know how to take care of himself." He said matter-of-factly.

I rested my head on his good shoulder and kissed his neck. "I'm sorry. I'm glad you are okay, I thought they hit something vital based on that amount of blood." I said wrapping my arms around him.

"I'm sorry too, about what I said, not what I did."

"I know, you were looking out for me."

"Exactly, because I love you."

"I love you too. Now, can we go home?"

"Of course, let's go." He said as we walked out of the emergency room and made our way back home.


A/n: #4! Hope ya'll liked this fic! See you tomorrow!

Male/Ftm Reader x Random, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now