Chapter 1

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Ellen's POV

It was the first day of filming for the mid-season premiere for season 4. During the break, I got married to the love of my life, Chris Ivery, or so I thought. 

While dating him, I was so in love with him. He made me so happy. No other man could satisfy my love. However, after we got married, I'm positive that Chris flipped a switch. He never made me happy anymore. During our honeymoon, all he wanted to do was have sex. Me on the other hand, I wanted to explore Bora Bora, not spend all day inside. However, every time I wanted to leave our hotel, he just forced me to have sex with him. I hated our honeymoon. All I wanted to do was leave but he had other ideas. I was counting down the days till we got back to set so I can see all of my friends and they can help me get my mind off of Chris. 

I woke up with my alarm blaring in my ear. I shut it off quickly. I didn't want to wake up Chris because then he'll just try to have sex with me. I rolled over to find Chris not there. I didn't want to know where he was so I rolled back over and sat up. After waking up and getting out of bed, I got ready for our table read. I didn't wear makeup or anything nice since it was just a table read. I put on a pair of blue jeans and a green crewneck from Bora Bora, put my hair in a ponytail and I was on my way towards set. 

I arrived on set and I saw Chyler and Patrick talking so I decided to weave myself into the conversation.

"Hey guys!", I said.

"Hey Mrs.Ivery!", Patrick said to me

I looked down towards the ground hoping he would get the hint that I wasn't happy being called that.

I told him, "Oh, I'm still going by Ellen Pompeo. Please, call me Mrs. Ellen Pompeo".

"I'm going to head into the table read room. I'll see you two there.", Chyler said and she walked away and into the building.

"Ellen, what's wrong?", said Patrick.

"Nothing.", I said with sadness.

"You're not okay. What. Is. Wrong.", Patrick said with a very serious tone.

"Some things aren't great at home. I'll pull through it though.", I replied.

"No. If things aren't great at home, you tell me. Your mental health is so important. Don't put a fake smile on to fool all of us. I'm your best friend. You can tell me. I'm your safe place to land, remember?", Patrick said to me with his hand on my shoulder.

I tried to take a deep breath without breaking down and crying. However, my emotions got to the best of me and I sat down on the curb crying.

"Ellie, what's wrong?", Patrick said to me while sitting down and holding me.

I took another deep breath and said very quietly so no one could hear me, "Chris is abusing me.".

"What!?", Patrick replied to me in shock.

"He's abusing me.", I said whispering into his ear.

His grip around me got tighter and I cried harder. 

"Ellen.", Patrick said very quietly and softly.

Whenever Patrick spoke in his caring voice I could just melt for him. However, he's married to Jillian and I'm scared that Chris would find out. I looked at my watch and the time read 8:54.

"Come on Patrick, we should go inside for the table read.", I said to Patrick.

Patrick stood up and he helped me up by holding my hand. We walked into the building holding hands. Whenever Patrick was just touching me, I felt like I was at home. It was too hard not to fall for him since he was so dreamy, just like Derek Shepherd. Talking about Chris and everything going on at home just made me want to cry. I just wanted to be in Patrick's arms and just cry. He was my safe place to land. 

Author's Note: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! A little background information about me. I'm in college wanting to be an English teacher. I took creative writing my senior year and I really found my passion for writing while in that class. However more about this story.

I know Patrick and Ellen are both happy with their spouses (from what we know). This story is just for fun and it is giving me a chance to do what I love to do, write. This story might have some trigger warnings with abuse but that is about it. I'll try to give warnings if there are any. 

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and I hope you enjoy the rest story!

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