authors note

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Before we get into it, I just want to say a few things

This is probably not the best example of how germaphobia works,,, I just wanted to write smth fluffy and lightly smutty(ofc it turned into angst as I write further into this so likeifwhudajbshij bye) but point is,,, this is not an accurate "cure" for germaphobia- 

also there are several make out scenes that are very umm... S T E A M Y and stuff,,, I haven't been writing or reading fanfiction for to long so I'm not sure if I should consider it smut or not but point is, they don't actually do ~it~ but they do makeout shirtless a lot a lot(pre-timeskip and post-timeskip there is one lime chapter but nothing else) 

another thing,,, I haven't read the manga but I've read some other SakuAtsu fics that feature the time skip so I probably won't be very accurate when I write post-timeskip,,, 

last thing,,, I've already written all of it but I wrote 100+ pages worth of stuff so it's gonna take me a while to revise and post so I'll try my best to upload 3-5 chapters a day,,, school is starting up again in two days for me so I'll have a lot of projects and stuff which sucks :(

now without further ado,,, enjoy :D

JK HI THIS IS ME LIKE A HALF A YEAR AFTER I FIRST UPLOADED THIS I WANNA SAY ONE LAST THING,, apparently, kiyoomi does infact NOT have germaphobia... he only wore that mask bc it was flu season and he just wanted to be cautious? uhm... whoops! just pretend it's a hc of mine i decided to write about because this is awkward... yeah... also i realize that kiyoomi actually shows a lot of sign in touch deprivation in this fanfiction, although his reaction to that first thing that happens in chapter one is NOT how a touch starved person would realistically react, so my sincerest apologies if it seems like i was trying to write him as touch deprived(i was, but not clinically, but that's what we're talking about now so-)and then wrote as though touch deprivation is some simple thing that can be immediately cured by a love at first sight, that was truly not my intention. 

now, let's get on with it for real this time :)


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