Ep 46: The True Lord of Lies

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After leaving Theodore, Valt sat back down with the rest of BC Sol.

"Hey guys!"

"Valt, where have you been?" Sasha asked.

"And where did Theodore go?" Silas asked butting in.

"Theodore and I have been talking and I think we know how to stop Phi for good."

"How?" Sasha asked.

"Well I don't know exactly but he said I'll know when the time is right..."

"That's not ominous or anything..."Sasha said.

"What's that supposed to mean? I knew I couldn't trust him." Silas added.

"Wait Valt, you never told us where Theodore ran off to during the meeting."

Right as Valt was about to answer the third groups battles started off with Clio and Cuza taking the stage.

"Hey guys look!" Sasha said pointing to the stadium.

Everyone looked down forgetting about Sasha's question.

Theodore never did tell me where he went that morning...maybe Phi was right about Theodore...

Looking down at the stadium the battle had already begun with Cognite coming in for the attack.

"Hey Sasha? Where's Shu?"

"He mentioned something earlier about training why?"

"Just wondering." Valt muttered looking back down at the battle.



Theodore Glass stood in there doorway with a smug smile on his face.

"Mr.Kurenai, what a surprise. I figured you would've been with the rest of BC Sol..."

"What are you doing here?" Shu interrupted but was still facing the stadium.

In the background Cognite was using his signature tight rope dive move while Clio was using his own.

"I came here to say I'm sorry."

Shu this time looked up from the stadium and straight at Theodore.

"Why are you really here Theodore?"

"Perceptive as always Mr. Kurenai but I'm surprised Valt hasn't been more questionable about my motives then again he does have his own problems to worry about doesn't he? With Phi and everything else going on he's got a lot on his plate. Besides..."

Theodore stopped on the other side of the stadium bending down and feeling the old stadium for a minute his eyes glowed teal.

"I'm surprised you haven't realized the significance of this room yet."

Shu lowered his launcher but didn't say anything.

"This was the same room where you used to train last year..." Theodore said trailing off.

He never truly answers my questions. I wonder what he's told Valt....

"Where are you going with this?" Shu said, finally speaking up.

"Like last year, my true motives are still the same: to find the ultimate bey."

Theodore got up and closed the door behind him, taking the remote off the table he clicked a button and the windows turned black.

"Now as we both know I didn't just come in here to say sorry..."

"I know what your power is Theodore."

Valt Aoi: The Battle for the Lost (Book 3!)Where stories live. Discover now