Ep 18: The Gift

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The next morning, Ange made pancakes, eggs, bacon, hash browns, and other breakfast items in a long buffet.

Most bladers had breakfast together talking with their friends while others were nowhere to be seen like Lui.

But once all the excitement was over things began to get serious.

The tournament had officially started and everyone was pumped up. People ran around BC Sol packing, training or preparing.

Everyone except for Valt Aoi, Valt of course was still sleeping in as usual.

Slowly rising out of bed he looked over at his alarm, the happiness drained from his face.

It was almost nine thirty, he had less than thirty minutes to be ready to leave.

Leaping out of his bed Valt sprinted around his room grabbing and throwing items into his suitcase.

Meanwhile on the other side of the building stood Shu Kurenai. Beside him were his bags all ready to go, in fact he had been ready to go for quite some time now.

Valt on the other hand was rushing around shoveling breakfast or trying to get dressed. He darted around frantically up and down the stairs going between his dorm and the hallway.

A pile of bags was stacked by the front doors for loading up the bus. Bladers dropped off their luggage and suitcases. Meanwhile Shu had been helping load the bus up with the luggage.

Everytime he would come back inside for the next set of luggage he would manage to catch a glimpse at Valt and would chuckle to himself.

It reminded him of when Valt used to rush around right before school, half the time he wondered how Valt even managed to make it to school on time. Let alone tournaments like these.

Most of the bladers were already gathered outside talking with their friends but Valt was nowhere to be seen.

Just as Shu was about to walk upstairs Valt came racing downstairs with his arms full of luggage, clothes and a pillow.

Tripping on the stairs Valt dropped Valtryek and a couple of other items. Shu immediately came over grabbing his bey and helping him clean up.

"Slept in again?"

"Yeah but I had this weird dream and for once it wasn't about Theodore. Instead there was like this prison made out of energy."

"A prison?"

"Yeah, it was like a swirling tornado of energy constantly in motion but inside of it was this bit beast."


"How'd you know?"

"Theodore was talking about it one time, an inescapable prison made out of resonance. It was meant to keep out bit beasts in our world. Ones that were two dangerous like Phoenix."

"Wow! but..... how? Why would someone create something like that?"

"Who knows maybe bladers before us have had this problem before."

That silenced Valt, while the wheels were turning in Shu's head.

An inescapable prison made out of resonance? There were so many questions. Would bathing in resonance for so long make the bit beast powerful? Could bladers potentially rap into that power? Was this what Theodore and Phi meant by tapping into a new power?

So many questions and yet so little answers.

Walking outside along with Valt everyone was just about ready to go.

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