Ep 51: Alone Together

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Before Shu would have the time to battle Phi the rest of the battles of their group still had to happen with Zac going against Drum and Joshua battling Cuza.

Like the rest of the groups, at this point bladers were either dropping out of the tournament and leaving or they were staying to see how it all ended. With Hyde dropping out and Clio leaving that meant like yesterday there was less time to practice.

Which is why Valt was training despite everything that had just happened. Training usually helped him take his mind off of everything but for whatever reason he just couldn't focus.

No matter how well he launched he still felt like it wasn't enough to beat someone like Phi.

Launching again his mind drifted.

Valt had managed to make it to the finals but at the same time so had Free. Which meant there was only one spot left for either Shu or Phi. If Phi made it then Valt would have to face both Phi and Free, but if Shu beat Phi then Valt and Shu would face Free. But at the same time Phi could just take over Free.

Launching again Valtryek sped all over the stadium bumping into the walls and flew into the air.

Standing in the doorway Fubuki caught Valtryek.

"Fubuki what are you doing here?"

Fubuki threw Valtryek back to Valt, Valt stumbled trying to catch it but somehow miraculously didn't fall.

"The better question is why we're here."

Fubui moved away from the doorway revealing Sasha and Aiger.

Sasha held up her bey and so did Aiger and Fubuki.

"We're here to help you train! We've all been talking and now that you're in the finals we figured we would help you train since I've battled Free before and Aiger and Fubuki have beaten Phi." Sasha said.

"Yeah, we'll help you simulate a battle against Phi." Aiger added.

"I know we don't have those expensive headsets Theodore has but I hope this will be fine."

Valt nodded his head smiling.

"You're on!" Valt said, holding out his own bey.


Valt was hunched over out of breath looking back at everyone else. Fubuki was tired not trying to show it while Sasha was on the ground and Aiger was fine.

"One more time!"

Holding out Valtryek, a hint of golden energy showed itself grabbing Fubuki's attention. He sat up and narrowed his eyes.

"Sasha take a break, let Aiger and I handle this on our own."

Looking over at Aiger they both nodded their hands while going over to the stadium meanwhile Sasha had sat down to watch the battle.

"3...2...1...Let it Rip!"

Forenous took the center while Achilles and Valtryek were on the outside. Coming into the center Valtryek tried to attack but was thrown off by Achilles instead. Following its trajectory Forenous followed from behind attacking as well.

Between the two of them Valtryek was being thrown into the air with no time to recover.

"When battling Phi he wants to make you think you're nothing like he's beneath everyone. He will manipulate your emotions and power in any way he can to keep you from winning." Fubuki said.

Finally Valtryek had managed to catch a break starting to slow down.

"Tsunami Drift!"

"Turbo Whip."

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