Ep 39: The Basement

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One will make a fatal mistake...Fubuki or Free (Free for going into the Snake Pit in book 1 or Fubuki for trusting Valerie)

One will make a sacrifice...Fubuki (for staying behind in book 2)

One shall betray...

One must choose sides...

One shall fall...

And one villain will rise above the others....


This chapter/ parts I've been looking foreword to for a very long time and it's one of my favorites out everything in this book and the other books but anyways hope you guys enjoy...

After getting back to the hotel everyone split off to go do their own thing. After relaxing by himself for a while Valt decided to finally go downstairs and see where everyone was at with the party.

Shu, a while back had already left to help Sasha set up the decorations meanwhile Valt had been relaxing upstairs because Sasha had mentioned she had a surprise.

So sitting upstairs, laying on the hotel's bed Valt had been wondering what the surprise was for at least an hour. Like everyone else he was expected to be at the party but he knew they probably wouldn't mind if he showed up a little early...

Hopping off the bed Valt turned off the TV and closed the curtains. Going to the end of the hallway Valt looked out the window, the sky was beginning to get dark with the sun painting beautiful colors in the sky.

Right as he grabbed his key card something caught his eye. Valtryek was lying on the nightstand sparkling in the light. Grabbing his bey and key card Valt closed the door behind him.

The hotel was quiet this time of night and with not many people around it only made it feel even more eerie.

As Valt walked across the hallway toward the pool room peeking inside, the large room had people in the pool and a large table full of snacks. Most of BC Sol was in the room either swimming or just talking.

Valt also noticed Lui was there too leaning against the wall acting like he was too cool to dance.

Meanwhile in the center, Sasha and Honey were dancing.

Smiling at the sight of his friends Valt was about to walk in when he realized he forgot his swim trunks. Turning back around Valt sprinted back down the hallway towards his room.

But just as he was about to go in his room, he noticed that the basement door was open. Closing his door he slowly approached the door.

Usually the corrupted bladers left the door closed or sometimes even locked but the way it was cracked a little slowly moving gave Valt chills.

Ignoring the small window into the pool room Valt passed it getting closer to the door.

As he turned the handle he cracked the door open a little bit more and to his surprise it wasn't locked. It opened just a little bit more leading downstairs to a dark staircase.

But something stopped him.

This is just what Theodore wants...

Letting go of the door handle Valt looked back at the window.

I could just go back and make up a lame excuse about being late...or...

Valt turned back at the door.

Valt Aoi: The Battle for the Lost (Book 3!)Where stories live. Discover now