Ep 44: The Shadow Phoenix

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In the background Sasha and Boa stood across from each other while Fubuki Sumiye sprinted through the hallways.

The whole night before had been a big blur to him. He still wasn't sure how he was even freed from Phi. But according to Shu, Phi had just let him go.

He tried to remember but all he could feel was Phi, talking through him and controlling him like he was his puppet. In a way he still felt like himself but at the same time it was all twisted.

In the beginning Fubuki had still been well aware of the settings but after the tournament started he could slowly feel something different. Something nice and warm convinced him deep down  not fight back.

But after the meeting Fubuki knew what he had to do. Leaving Theodore's seats Fubuki ran off the find Valerie.

Racing through the halls Fubuki checked every corner.

Then standing at the exit Valerie stood with her hand on the door handle and a defeated look on her face.

"Valerie? Where are you going? The tournament isn't over yet..."

Valerie said nothing, only holding her hand out. On her hand were the pieces of Vahagn. Looking at her there was no more resonance or hatred in her eyes, only disappointment.

"It was Phi." She said quietly.

"Theodore set him up for this; he knew you were going to battle your brother. I saw him looking through the battles earlier..."

"But I didn't just come here to pity you Valerie."

Looking up at Fubuki his attitude had changed.

"Did you really even care this whole time?"

Valerie looked down at the ground avoiding Fubuki's eyes.

"Were you even my friend?"

Once again Valerie didn't answer, only standing there.

"You know what Valerie, I'm done. First you were my friend but then you changed. But guess what, I always cared but I guess you didn't. And even if you did that's not what friends do to each other. Goodbye Valerie, we're done."

Fubuki walked away, not turning back.
But in the background he heard someone else approach.

Vincent stood with his arm around his sister and looking back, Fubuki waved and Vincent waved back.

"C'mon Valerie, this is their fight now."

Opening the doors the sunlight escaped into the room while the duo left. Once they were gone Fubuki stood there for a long time before walking back.


"Let him go Phi!"

Onstage the second group's battles had already began with Xander taking on Valt.

Valt only had one point while Xander already had two.

But looking across the stadium Valt knew that wasn't Xander. Instead it was Phi.

As the 4th battle began Valt wiped away his sweat focusing on the battle in front of him.

For the majority of the battles Phi had been taunting Valt telling how he couldn't save his old friend.

"You really think you can win Valt? I've already taken Valerie's power and soon Theodore's. There's no one left to help you."

Xander/ Phi's voice seemed to echo everywhere all at once.

Valt only smiled while Phi laughed

"Laughing in the face of danger, I can't tell if your brave or stupid."

Valt Aoi: The Battle for the Lost (Book 3!)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum