Ep 25: Phoenix's Trap

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Phoenix took the center while Luinor went off on the offensive. Gaining a boost of power the two beys collided but Phoenix brushed off the attack.

Luinor kept attacking but Phoenix kept brushing off the attacks.

"Luinior! Destroy them!"

"Yes, show me your power. Phoenix!"

Both bit beasts rose behind their masters. Phoenix the bird of destruction and fire while Luinor, the dragon of ice and misery.

"Crush him!" Lui yelled.

Both beys were now attacking each other relentlessly over and over. Neither were losing stamina but Lui wasn't going down without a fight.

Both beys clashed, time slowed down as they both flew into the air. The room was eerie silent and the only sound Lui heard was his heart beating.

A metallic burst was heard as Phoenix's parts landed at Phi's feet, a shadow had grown over his face.

Meanwhile Lui picked up Luinor putting the bey back into his launcher.

Phi started chuckling, his laughter grew until it was full blown howling.

Lui narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

Tears fell onto the ground as Phi was sobbing, putting Phoenix into his launcher he took up his launching stance.

His head lowered, the sobbing had stopped and the room was quiet again.

"Fear is the only reliable way around this place. Fear is what we have in common Lui. Fear makes us powerful. But I'm done playing games Lui, what a shame there's only one way to settle this. How sad is it that I once thought we could perhaps rule together. But you do have a side Lui whether you'll admit it or not."

Phi's head slowly rose up titling to one side. His eyes were glowing black and his violet resonance was starting to form around him.

"Now prepare to be destroyed."

His voice echoed throughout the room through various bladers almost sounding demonic a little.

Lui held his ground, not letting Phi's little meltdown get to him.


"Let it Rip!"

This time Phoenix flew around the stadium going on the offensive. Going up the stadium's slope Phoenix sped down while Luinor did the same.

They clashed but flew backwards hitting the wall of the stadium. Luinor took a bad hit, as it wobbled back down the stadium.

Meanwhile Phoenix's armor had come off. Phi raised his hands letting his resonance grow. His bey darkened and Phoenix came flying at Luinor.

"Your attacks are only futile." Phi said.

Phi's hair was standing up while Lui's was flaming with power.

"I've had enough of this, Luinor!"

Glowing, the bey barely dodged Phoenix's attack.

Phoenix slammed into the stadium wall losing it's stamina while Luinor hit the stadium wall perfectly giving it a boost of power.

"Dragon Scream!"

As Luinor collided with Phoenix, Luinor burst while Phoenix came to a stop. A slow motion burst no wonder why Phi wasn't worried.

Putting Luinor back together he clenched his bey in frustration. Looking up, Phi's resonance was larger than he had ever seen it.

"Having fun now are we?"

"This ends now." Lui held up Luinor as his aura began to flair up.

"I couldn't agree more." Phi held up Phoenix.

This time Phi was different, a shadow had come over him and he moved unnaturally like a puppet. Assuming his launching stance he looked up at Lui. His eyes weren't even there anymore and instead replaced by dark reflective orbs.

His smile grew seeing Lui's reaction.

"You're finished."

"We'll see about that."

"3..., 2....,1... Let it Rip!"

The battle started off just like the first with Phoenix taking the center while Luinor sped around the edge of the stadium.

Gaining speed Luinor attacked Phoenix and its amor came flying off. Phi smirked as the armor feel into the stadium.

Hitting the armor Phoenix sent it flying at Luinor. It knocked it back over and over to the stadium wall. Phoenix kept doing that until it was pushing Luinor against the stadium wall.

Lui's eyes widened, he knew he had to get out of there. Luinor wouldn't last long.


His resonance flared up creating a curtain of energy. Luinor broke free roaring its battle cry.

Luinor started pushing itself into Phoenix and away from the stadium wall.

"Dragon Storm!"


The side of Luinor lit up like a whip colliding into Phoenix. Phi's power dissipated for a split second. Looking up into the stands Lui could see some of the bladers looking around confused.

"What?" Lui mumbled.

"Phoenix! Destroy them!"

Looking back at the battle Phoenix sent Luinor into the sky. It bursted with its metallic pieces falling onto the floor.

The rooms silence was tense and eerie. Even Theodore looked surprised. Phi's resonance dissipated and his eyes returned back to normal.

Lui narrowed his eyes at Phi.

So this was his true power...

Picking up the pieces of Luinor he snapped them back together.

"A deals a deal."

Theodore and his army surrounded Lui while Phi was nowhere to be seen.

"It's time Lui, it's time to understand what we're doing. It's time to understand the true meaning of this power. Join us."

The rest of the bladers echoed "join us."

His heart was pounding and his head was spinning. Looking down at his hands they were shaking a little clenching them he looked up at Theodore.


Before he could see Theodore's reaction he took off sprinting towards the exit. Bladers moved in trying to grab Lui. Free managed to grab Lui's hand stopping him.

"Join us." He said.

Lui yanked his hand away from Free and took off running. Reaching the exit Lui ran up the stairs.

Phi was just about to go after him when Theodore held out his arm stopping Phi.

"Let him go, Lui's not a threat, he's not even a pawn in this chess game. He'll serve as our messenger for the time being a reminder of what happens to our enemies." Theodore said watching him run up the stairs and out the door.

"Besides what's one blader to a whole army?"

Racing up the stairs Lui bumped into BC Sol in the lobby.

"Lui what happened?" Valt asked.

"Theodore and Phi, they almost got me but for whatever reason they let me go. There are also these new bladers: Red Eye and Emerald Eye. But what's worse is that Phi almost broke Luinor."

Valt Aoi: The Battle for the Lost (Book 3!)Where stories live. Discover now