Ep 40: The Basement Part 2

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Warning: chapters will start to get really long from here!

"....and like the last Snake Pit, this one is more equipped to help bladers reach their full potential. There are separate training rooms that are soundproof..."

Valt Aoi stood looking around right next to Theodore Glass.

Normally Valt would've been a little afraid to be trapped downstairs in a basement with Theodore and Phi and their army. But instead this time Valt was more determined to get his friends back more than anything.

"Like I explained earlier I had a reason bringing you down here tonight and it wasn't just to answer your questions."

Looking up at Theodore, at the moment he didn't seem like the villain everyone was making him out to be.

Instead there was something different about him. There was an uncertainty or a hint of concern about him.

"I don't care why you "brought" me down here tonight, I know Frees still in there and I know he's not gone."

"You're right, every blader in this room is still in there somewhere but it's a matter of getting them out. Which is why I need to talk to you. The thing is you think you're winning this game Valt but you don't even know the rules..."

"I'm not here to win Theodore, I'm here to get my friends back."

Theodore this time looked down at Valt, his eyes were glowing a little and there was this newfound look in his eyes.

Something had changed about Valt.

Turning back to the corrupted bladers practicing in front of him Theodore countined.

"Oh please, don't be the cliche hero with the "I'm going to be the hero and save everyone" routine. We both know you coming down here alone was a stupid idea. And yet here we are, I could easily let Phi take care of you and decide what he wants to do with you..."

The thought of being alone with Phi gave Valt goosebumps especially after what Shu told him about Phi possibly not being human.

"You know, I am surprised your little fan club hasn't tried to rescue you. We haven't heard a peep from them for a while. I'm almost surprised they just let you leave almost like how you guys let Free just leave."

Valt clenched his jaw but then let his anger settle. Valt knew the game Theodore was playing, he was trying to rally up Valt but he wasn't going to let him.

"At least they're safe, along with the others. That all that matters, you may know who's at the hotel but you don't know everyone I talked to."

"Yes you do have that ace up your sleeve, but they are only minnows in this great big sea. But while they're partying upstairs we have you, their precious leader. The one who banded everyone together to fight us and save everyone. But..."

Looking down at Valt, Valt looked back up at him with a curious look in his eye. Theodore only kept a straight face on with no trace of villainy or maliciousness. Instead there was only concern.

"I'm not the real bad guy."

Just then the door to the basement opened revealing Shu.


"Valt, where have you been! Everyone was looking for you!"

As Shu walked across the second floor the corrupted bladers surrounded him blocking his path.

"Get out of the way." Shu said.

"Let him through." Theodore said waving his hand with a bored look on his face.

As Shu pushed his way through the bladers Theodore turned back to Valt.

"Now as I was saying I'm not the real bad guy here. Take your brother Toko for instance, the reason why you haven't seen him in while is because he isn't as...malleable to Phi's power."

"Toko's a person! Not some lab experiment!"

Leaning down next to Valt he whispered in his ear: "But not to Phi, listen to me! Phi has..."

He trailed off looking over at Valt, there was something different about him. His power was slowly building up and his eyes were glowing golden.

Everyone else in the room stopped what they were doing to look at Valt.

Theodore took a step back, startled and so did Shu.

This power... I've only seen one other blader with it. But even if it is how is he fighting it? Maybe him and his brother share the same resistance or this could be something new...

When Valt opened his eyes they were glowing blue with hints of gold in them but Valt didn't even notice.
Shu swallowed the lump in his throat as Valt drew near. His dark expression was about more than just Toko. He was full of a new burning hatred, like nothing Shu had witnessed before....at least not on a calm, cheerful Valt.

"Settle down Valt!"

Ignoring Shu, Valt looked straight at Theodore.

"Where's Toko?"

Shu raced over standing between Valt and Theodore.

"Enough, this has gone to far Valt. You do realize this is exactly what Phi wants!"

Theodore stepped aside and Toko emerged from the shadows looking normal, there were no traces of Phi or Theodores influence and instead he was back in his normal clothes.


Running over to his brother, they both hugged.

"I've missed you so much!"

As Theodore watched their reunion from afar his mind was racing.

I've never seen that kind of power before at least not with Valt....it was almost like he was in some kind of state, perhaps he's growing more powerful...

After the hugging ended Valt turned back to Theodore.


"Consider him a peace offering now follow me we have much to discuss."

Theodore started walking away but Valt stood looking back at Shu and Toko.

"What about Shu?"

"Like I said before I'll let Phi deal with them now but them still being here is up to you whether you follow me or not."

As Theodore started walking off Valt took one last look at Shu and Toko.

"We'll be fine, just go!" Shu said.

"Trust us, maybe we can free some of them." Toko added.

"And Valt, just remember to stay on the right path." Shu said, adding a smile.

Valt nodded, smiling back. As he followed Theodore up the stairs the corrupted bladers closed in on Toko and Shu. Cutting through the crowd was Phi wearing a sadistic smile.

That was the last thing before Valt entered Theodores office.

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