Ep 41: The Basement part 3

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Alright to start off I'd just like to say after thinking about it for a while and toying with the idea I've decided to make one of two more books. But they will be more like a epilogue than anything and the whole one will betray etc. will be solved in this book. And enjoy the chapter!

"Now as I was saying before I know your friends can handle Phi which is why I left them down there with Phi, but that wasn't the only reason why."

Unlocking his office it was pretty large with a single desk and two cars in the front.

Valt sat down in one of the chairs while Theodore was on the other side.

Looking around the wall behind Theodore was covered in souvenirs like newspapers or old ancient relics from the bit beats.

Valt also spotted a chess board in the corner with two seats pushed out. Following Valt's gaze Theodore noticed what he was looking at.

"Listen Valt, before we begin I'm really disappointed in you. From now on you better control that temper better. Or who knows what you could've done, we both know you can't keep fighting Phi's control forever and based on your power surges he's getting close to winning. Which is why I brought you down here tonight..."

Theodore paused, holding his hand of his heart, his eyes started glowing and there was a faint aura.

Rummaging through the desk Theodore pulled out a small pill bottle and took one.

After swallowing the pill the glowing stopped and he looked normal again.

"We can't let Phi win, you shouldn't be scared of me Valt, I'm sure you heard many bad things about me but you know people do tend to exaggerate."

"You turned my friends into corrupted bladers, you took Free away and you teamed up with Phi. So what do you want?"

"My story is probably as old as you, I was once a powerful blader who understood the depths of resonance. I was one of the legendary bladers back then and with my bey Amaterios we were unstoppable."

"Amaterios? Isn't that bey from..."

"The museum in Japan, yes very perceptive Valt. It is indeed the same bey. I was powerful and respected but then things changed and my prime stage passed. But now that I'm back I want to take back what was rightfully mine. I want to be one of you again but I obviously can't do that which is why I have to hide my power."

Valt was quiet thinking about what Theodore had said.

"It's time for some answers Theodore.."

"Indeed it is and I'm not going anywhere, I'll answer any questions you have. "

"To start off on the day of the tour I saw Valerie sneak off and...."

Theodore mumbled a couple of curses before straightening up and looking professional again.

"Valerie has gone off the deep end and she is no longer of importance to Phi or me. Whatever she did during the tour was of her own benefit which wasn't part of my plan."

"When she was stealing Vahagn's sword she also mentioned something about an energy cage."

"That cage is the constant flow of resonance and within it houses some of the worst spirits and Vahagn being one of them. But without a certain number of spirits it could cause a major imbalance in the power."

"How do we fix it?"

"Even I don't know Valt, that energy cage is ancient resonance none of which I've ever seen before. As Albert Einstein once said: "Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be changed from one form to another. Is there anything else you would like to know?"

Valt Aoi: The Battle for the Lost (Book 3!)Where stories live. Discover now