Ep 34: The Mysterious Emerald Eye

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Up in the stands BC Sol with the exception of Aiger watched as Wakiya take on Emerald Eye.

It was hard to see the battle from their height but Valt could tell Wakiya was getting frustrated.

Nobody had a point yet, since the first battle ended in a simultaneous burst but Wakiya was getting frustrated.

"Go Wakiya!" Sasha yelled from the bleachers.

Valt did the same standing up and cheering for Wakiya.

"Wak-iya!, Wak-iya!, Wak-iya!"

The whole crowd followed Valt and Sasha in cheering for Wakiya.

On screen Wyvron had taken the center while Emerald Eye's bey had gone on the offensive.

Emerald's bey was something Valt had never seen before. It was mainly a green bey with a black and gold color scheme. But it was more metallic than other beys and something was off about it that Valt couldn't figure out.

It seemed like it was made out of a different material more than anything. The way it clashed with Wyvron sounded different from other beys.

"I've had just about enough of this, Wyvron finish this!"

Wyvron rode along the edge of the stadium speeding up until it came down speeding towards Emerald's.

Wyvron clashed, sending Emerald's flying out of the stadium.

The crowd cheered along with BC Sol. The zero on screen turned into a 1 next to his name. Wakiya wiped away his sweat looking over at his opponent.

A dark resonance was starting to form around him. Valt expected it to be green but instead it was pure purple. The eye holes of the mask glowed the same color and Emerald started laughing.

It was a scary sight, scarier than Free's little outburst.

All these corrupted bladers are different... Free's resonance is still golden but purple, Diago's wasn't really, while Emerald is the furthest gone I've seen...I guess Phi's power effects people in different ways...

Wakiya did the same summoning up his own power. But Valt could see that Emerald had way more experience and power than Wakiya.

"3...,2...,1..., Let it Rip!"

This time Emerald took on the offensive attacking Wyvron. They collided once and were both sent flying back. Emerald's hit the side of the wall and sliced through Wyvron, bursting it into pieces.

The crowd was speechless at the sight of Wvyron. But the only person who wasn't was smiling. Across the stadium Emerald Eye was smiling a wicked grin.

"It's over."

"Not yet, we're not done here!" Wakiya held out his bey with pride while Emerald only laughed.


"You're the one who's pathetic! Taking orders from a snob like Theodore."

Emerald Eye only laughed at Wakiya's comment.

The blader of few words...

"You little..."

Emerald got into his launching stance cutting off Wakiya. Wakiya did the same, giving Emerald an annoyed look.

"3...,2...,1....,Let it Rip!"

This time instead of bursting Wyvron Emerald Eye or more specifically Phi decided to have some fun.

The battle started off with both spiraling into a major attack. Sparks flew and energy crackled in the air. But Emerald Eye wasn't even surprised.

Valt Aoi: The Battle for the Lost (Book 3!)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz