Ep 42: The Basement part 4

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Also I just want to say real fast that the book covers are very important to the story. Maybe not the first two but this one and the next one will be definitely also enjoy!

"...And why should I trust you? You've taken my family, my friends, and now you just expect me to forgive you?"

"I don't expect you to forgive me, I expect you to trust me. I know all about Phi's power and how it works. I even know how to break his hold on your friends. Phi has gone too far and the longer he stays in power the further gone he'll be..."

Shu's words from earlier echoed in his head: "there's no fixing someone like Phi."


Meanwhile, Toko and Shu were surrounded by the corrupted bladers. Cutting through the crowd Phi stood with a malicious grin.

Looking upstairs Theodore opened the door for Valt.

What is he doing? This wasn't part of the plan!

"Let us go Phi." Turning back to the boys, Phi had expected Shu but instead Toko stood before him.

"No, in fact I have a better idea."

Holding out his hand most of the bladers went back to what they were doing but only one remained: Fubuki.

"I could turn you all into my puppets but that wouldn't be fun for you? Now would it?"

Even though Phi was talking to Shu and Toko, Shu had a feeling it wasn't just them he was talking about.

"Instead I'll make you guys a deal."

Phi stood over a stadium while Fubuki was on his right.

"If you win you can have Fubuki, but it won't make much of a difference..."

Walking over to Fubuki, Phi held his chin.

"He may have beaten me once but I doubt he's still in there. Out of everyone he's had more exposure to my power. It'd be a shame if something were to happen to him."

Phi's eyes flashed black and his tightened his grip a little causing Shu to step towards him.

"Don't hurt him Phi."

Phi's eyes were still glowing black a little but he let go.

"But if I win...I'm pretty sure you'll know what will happen."

Phi held out his hand.

Pain was everywhere and Shu's nerves felt like they were on fire. Phi's hold on them felt like iron and Shu tried to pull away but he couldn't.

"And to make this more interesting this will only be a three point battle."

Looking over at Toko he was on his hands and knees crying.

"Please make it stop."

Wincing in pain Shu stood up forgotten that he fell in the first place.

"That's enough Phi." Shu's eyes glowed red and an amused smile spread across Phi's face.

Phi let go and Toko let out a relieved breath.

"In fact since I'm feeling so generous, I'll let you and him talk it over."

Phi kicked Toko.

"That's enough Phi."

"But is it though? It was never enough back when you were Red Eye."

Shu's eyes widened at the mention of his past alter ego.

"You know I was there for the whole thing, I watched the whole tournament from afar of course but I saw your power. So I'll give you a chance."

Valt Aoi: The Battle for the Lost (Book 3!)Where stories live. Discover now