Ep 12: Hide and Peak part 1

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Alright so after the next couple of chapters things are going to get serious. Aka the tournament is starting up soon. Anywho if any of you guys have any suggestions on who you want to battle who you can always send me a private message. I do have the plot semi laid out but I will try to add in more battles here and there. And thank you! Have a good day!

The next morning was a bit chilled than the last, tiny specs of snow could be seen falling down from the sky.

Today was Valt's last day in Japan, last night Shu had called him telling him what had happened to Phi and Theodore. But he also told him that they managed to get Joshua and Clio to help out too.

Hearing about what Phi and Theodore did to Shu sent chills up Valt's spine. It reminded him of the nightmare he had last night. Except this time the problem felt real.

Phi and Theodore had the power to corrupt any blader they wanted to. In theory they could take over the blading world if they wanted to.

Waiting by the door Valt was ready to go in his snow gear while everyone else rushed around the house getting ready.

It wasn't everyday that you got to travel to a mysterious mountain of a potential blading legend or anything.

"Five minute warning!" Valt yelled.

Everyone started rushing around even more and within a minute everyone was downstairs in snow gear.

"Wow Valt I'm impressed, usually you're the one who's late."

"Yeah I didn't get much rest last night and I woke up kinda early..."

"Where's Akira?" Hoji asked

"He said something about meeting us there. In fact he was supposed to text me when he got there." Valt said taking out his phone.

Sasha a flash of worry across Valt's face.

"It's a long flight, I'm sure he's sleeping or something."

"Yeah or something."


"Here we are."

Sasha, Valt, Hoji and Nika stood in front of the intimidating mountain, the very place that was rumored to be Lui Shirosagi's secret training place.

Turning on the flashlight Valt walked in first. Despite the temperature outside being pretty cold the cave was even colder than he expected.

"Hello?" Valt called out.

His voice echoed down the tunnels then the eerie quietness returned. Based on how long his voice echoed he knew this could take a while.

"Guys I don't know about this..." Valt said shining his flashlight down the tunnel.

Just then laughter could be heard in the distance, it echoed all around Valt making more nervous.

"That's got to be Lui! Come on guys!" Sasha said running.

The others followed while Valt brought up the rear. Shining their flashlights, graffiti covered the caves walls and some of it even reached the ceiling.

Most of it was inappropriate with words Valt wouldn't even dare to say, while some of it was weird pictures. One of them was a Phoenix that caught his eye.

The further they went down the tunnel the less graffiti they saw. In fact Valt could see his reflection in the rocks now.

This must've been where most people would've stopped because now the graffiti was completely gone.

But what also indicated that people's disappearance was a flashlight that was still on but flickering at Valt's feet.

"Guys I really think we should turn back in getting bad vibes." Valt said, feeling uneasy.

"Alright then let's take a vote all in favor of turning back?"

Valt, Nika and Hoji raised their hands.

"Ah come on."

The group turned back in the other direction.

Valt wouldn't admit it but he was glad that they were skipping Lui. If Lui was anything he was an unpredictable wild card. Valt knew he wouldn't go along with Theodore and Phi but at the same time he had a feeling he wouldn't easily leave with him.

But besides Lui being a wild card Valt had his own reasons why he didn't want him there.

Behind Valt, Hoji tripped over a piece of wood holding up the side of the wall.

Above the group, rocks started tumbling down into the tunnel. The rest of the wooden beams toppled over and rocks outside the cave covered the entrance.


The group sprinted further into the cave but the rocks didn't stop falling.

Rocks fell between the bladers separating them from each other. Finally the rocks settled leaving Valt alone in the dark long tunnel.


"Sasha is that you? Where are you?"

I'm in another tunnel, Hoji and Nika are in the other.

"What should we do?" She asked

Valt could barely hear Sasha but he knew she was still nearby. At the same time this could be a trap...

"I'm going to keep going this way and try to catch up with Hoji and Nika. You find Lui." Sasha's footsteps echoed as she went further down the tunnel leaving Valt alone with his thoughts.

Turning back to where he was going he continued walked done the lonely path.

After walking for what felt like over an hour Valt finally made it. Pushing the rocks aside Valt uncovered another tunnel except this one he could see the light.

Running towards it Valt opened the door to a large room with a single stadium in the middle.

Lui Shirosagi was standing over the stadium watching Luinor's movements.


"Valt Aoi, what did you expect?"

"Listen we need your help Phi and Theodore are..."

Lui held up hand to Valt's mouth even before he could explain.

"I know why you're here, and I know you need my help. You're also afraid of Theodore."

"Yes but we need all the help we can get."

"As if I care.. you lost to them the minute you gave in."

Valt didn't know how to respond.

"Is that all you have to offer? Some vacation to Spain and..."

"No there's more, they've gotten to Free."

That silenced Lui.

"They really have gotten to everyone." He mumbled.

"Which is why we need your help, you've taken down Free before and I know you can do it again."

Turning away Lui thought about it and started smiling.

"Alright then Valt you've convinced me,"

Based on how quickly Lui responded Valt knew this wasn't because of him but he was glad Lui was coming.

"But first I need something to take care of. I'll meet you there tomorrow morning." Lui picked up Luinor and walked out of the space.

Valt Aoi: The Battle for the Lost (Book 3!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora