Ep 14: The Speech

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Nika, Sasha and Hoji were the last group to meet back up at BC Sol that late afternoon.

After dropping off their stuff at the dorms the group made their way to the gym. The sun was still pretty high in the sky but Sasha knew that wasn't going to last long.

Opening the door bladers from all around the world were chatting or waiting. Right as Sasha's group had gotten back from Japan Valt decided to call a meeting.

Onstage Valt was looking down at who were left and who weren't under Theodore and Phi's control. There were some familiar BC Sol faces like Nika, Sasha, and Silas. But there were some others there like Wakiya who was talking to Hoji. Even Joshua and Akira were talking. Hyde was leaning against the wall looking bored.

While Clio was performing some tricks. But the only two who weren't engaging were Shu, who was on a call and Lui who also was leaning against the wall looking bored.

It was sad to realize this is what they had left of their blading world.

Standing up to the stage Valt coughed and the group silenced down.

"As you know Theodore is back and he's working with Phi,"

Some bladers in the crowd gasped but some remained silent like Shu.

"Phi now has the power to control bladers movements and their energy. Meanwhile Theodore has emerged from the shadows and has teamed up with Phi."

"What do you mean by he can control their energy?" One girl asked.

"Phi can corrupt any bladers resonance turning it from light to dark, that's how they've been collecting their army and corrupting bladers so fast."

The bladers started chatting, forcing Valt to silence them.

"They've taken our friends, mentors and even our family." Valt looked down at the stage with sadness.

Onstage Shu had come up putting his hand on Valt's shoulder. Valt looked up and Shu gave him a smile. Valt smiled back and nodded his head.

"But that doesn't mean we should give up. Free's always been there for us like when Red Eye broke Valtryek's performance tip. He was there when I need him the most! He was there leading us even when he was with the Bulls! Free has always been but now it's our turn to be there for him."

The crowd cheered making Valt smile even more.

"But that's not all, Theodore may have gotten stronger but we've faced him together before and I know we can take him down again."

"Wait, so if you've faced Theodore before then why do you need us?"

"Because Theodore has an army of bladers but so do we. Look around the room and notice how many there are of us. I know if we can band together then we can stop Theodore and Phi from taking over the blading world."

Sasha raised her hand.

"Yes Sasha?"

"What do we do now?"

Valt was about to say something when Shu beat him to the question.

"Now we train, the Global Gauntlet is starting up in a week. It's being sponsored by WBBA but I know Phi and Theodore will be there too. By using what we've learned we're going to train from others and from BC Sol."

After the meeting was over everyone went to the mess hall to get some dinner.

As Valt was climbing off the stage Hoji was standing with a bandaged hand.

"Hoji what's wrong?"

"I can't compete, my hand it's..."

"It's fine Hoji I get it."

As Valt turned away, the happiness from the day immediately drained out of him. He was sad Hoji couldn't come, this meant they were even more outnumbered.

But Hoji could still help, in other ways of course.

The whole situation was just frustrating.

Closing the gym doors Valt made his way to the forest. Smiling, he pushed some of the branches aside walking down the pathway.

Stepping into the clearing Valt walked up the steps to the stadium.

Pulling out Valtryek he launched the bey into the stadium.

He watched its movements but his mind began to wonder.

He knew defeating Phi would be hard but Theodore was on a different level. The last time Valt thought he was defeated but he ended being wrong. Theodore came back stronger than before.

But he was going to do the same.

Valt practiced launching until he began to sweat. But he didn't want to stop.

Valt also knew the only way to defeat the corrupted bladers was through Phi. Fubuki had defeated Phi before but Fubuki didn't break Phi's hold on his army.

So what would it take then to break his hold on them?

That was the real question in this whole equation.

Launching Valtryek again his mind wandered onto a new subject.

Beyblade at the end of the day was just supposed to be a fun sport and lately people had been forgetting that. This was just supposed to be fun.

Such a simple word, and yet doing it was hard or at least for some people it was.

Lately Valt had been so focused on doing well he had forgotten the true meaning on why he was there. Yes he had to save Free and the rest of his friends but that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy it.

Valtryek slowed to a stop and Balt picked up the bey.

"What do you think I should, partner?"

Valtryek twinkled in response and Valt immediately knew the answer.

Smiling he launched Valtryek again and again. The night air cooled Valt down allowing him to focus more. With one final launch Valtryek sped around the stadium the way he wanted.

This was the feeling he had been searching for. The feeling of enjoyment and having fun. The true meaning behind Beyblade.

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