Ep 1: Remembrance

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Now before we begin I'd like to say that this is Book 3, so go check out the other books and then comeback here when you're done. I hope you guys enjoy!

******Welcome to book 3********

Theodore Glass walked with hands behind his back, walking in a slow relaxed manner.

He walked with his usual smirk on his face and he had full confidence. The plan was in motion and all the pieces were coming together perfectly.

A few weeks ago Theodore had recently talked with Phi after Aiger had defeated him. Back then Phi was a bit more on edge.

But that was the thing about Theodore he knew exactly how to break down someone's strength twisting his ideas and thoughts into what's right. But what made it even easier was that most of them were only kids.

Kids who could be easily manipulated.

Now granted teenagers were a bit harder. Being raised and taught most of them acted like they knew everything. But when proven wrong that's when you strike.

For Phi it was already too easy, his strength had already been broken down making him desperate to do anything to get back at Aiger and Valt.

By using his weakness against him all there was too it was manipulating and molding Phi like a piece of clay. Now Theodore had already done this a long time ago back when Phi was younger and more inexperienced.

Back then Phi had also been desperate to get back at Hyde. Desperate to prove that he was better than his brother.

Except this time was different, this time rather than making Phi take a backseat Theodore made him his partner.

Phi also knew the art of manipulation, like whenever he toyed with Aiger. He knew exactly what would set off that feisty child. But out of all the bladers he could never figure out Free.

Free had been and always will be a wild card. Sure there were plenty of bladers like Lui or Suoh both cold and distant. Or maybe even hard workers like Shu and Fubuki. And others like Valt and Drum. But nobody was like Free.

Free was different but Theodore didn't know how to crack him.

Which was why he was going to go visit him, to see if anything had changed. He doubted it but he knew soon he would give in. It was only a matter of time.

Just like when BC Sol was in their slump, all it took was some convincing and Free easily joined. There was a bit of resistance but like all things that was to be expected.

Opening the big heavy door Theodore stood in the doorway looking down at the former legend: Free De La Hoya.

On the cold concrete floor he sat criss cross legged meditating. There was a strange golden aura surrounding him.

Opening his eyes they were glowing gold with power. Theodore almost looked afraid.

Then slowly the aura died down along with his power but his eyes remained golden.

"Whatever you want you won't find it here. I can take care of myself, your threats mean nothing to me" He said, still sitting.

"You'll say you'll protect yourself but the real question is..... who will protect your friends?"

"You monster!"

Free got up and was about to strangle Theodore when something stopped him.

Standing in the doorway was Phi holding his hand out stopping Free in his tracks. Beats of sweat was beginning to form on Free's head. Phi had a tight grip on Free.

"Thank you Phi."

Phi only nodded his head.

After training with Theodore, he had taught Phi how to control his power of corruption and essentially control other bladers.

By doing so he could manipulate their energy and their movements.

"I'm going to get out of here and expose to the world what a monster you really are. By now Valt is with Shu and they're figuring out what to do."

"Let's test that theory, shall we?"

Theodore went over to the television and turned it onto the news station. In big letters were the words: Free De La Hoya missing.

"It's funny how you think the world still believes in you, but it seems they've given up."

"No Valt is still going to...."

"Going to what? Gather friends? Gather family to come looking for you. I've already thought of everything. The seeds are planted and the pieces are finally coming together. I'm building an army Free and soon there won't be anyone else to stop me."

"You won't win Theodore, you don't know Valt and Shu like I do."

"Oh really, all Shu needs is a little guidance back in the right direction and Valt on the other hand well we'll just save him for last now won't we."

Free narrowed his eyes at Theodore glowing with power.

"Oh really Free don't give me that look, you're a good guy, your threats don't phase me. On the other hand you just need some.... motivation."

"Valt is still out there he won't fall into the same trap."

"I only let him go so he can be reminded that he failed."

Free was silent looking down at the floor.

"Think about it Free, when have your friends been there for you? They easily let you transfer to the Bulls and Valt had no problem when you came running back here."

"Is that perhaps you're afraid they'll find out you're not as strong as they think you are? But we both know that's not true."

Theodore leaned down to Free's level raising Free's chin so he could meet Free's eye level.

"The real answer is the opposite is true. You've been getting stronger but you're afraid. You're afraid of the power, you're afraid of what it'll do to you and more importantly you're afraid of what it'll do to everyone else. But I saw the same potential for Red Eye Free, I saw his power and I knew how to harness it so let me help you."

"No, never. I already feel like a prisoner. I don't want to be a criminal either."

"You caused what I'm about to do so just give in. Besides Free, it's only a matter of time before everyone is under our control and soon there won't be anyone else to stop us."

"Not even the great Valt Aoi and Shu Kurenai."

Valt Aoi: The Battle for the Lost (Book 3!)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz