Ep 30: The Talk

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After Sasha and Free's battle, it was Norman and Valerie's turn.

Theodore Glass watched from his throne along with Phi. But unlike the last battle Theodore wasn't as interested. Free De La Hoya's battles he would always watch but Valerie was different.

A Liability, Theodore had called her. Norman knew a lot about the Snake Pit but Valerie basically grew up there. She knew just about everything from its system to the masked bladers.

Theodore had risked everything, devoting his time, money and resources to his one true goal of controlling the resonance. A dangerous power that some didn't even know the extent of.
He wasn't about to let one of his own be the downfall of his plans.

He needed some way to get rid of her without truly getting rid of her. Putting Vahagn back in the resonance prison wasn't going to be enough. Theodore knew that she could just free him again.

But he needed something else...

Taking one last glance at the battle Valerie was two points ahead. Theodore already knew she was going to win.

Turning on his laptop, Theodore's attention shifted away from the battle. One of the perks of being a former WBBA employee was that Theodore still got emails about the upcoming battles.

Before being a team owner and even the Snake Pit, Theodore Glass at one time used to be a bright young man full of potential.

But then it all changed one day, that man full of potential turned into a shady businessman. Full of secrets, money and power. Lots and lots of power. And yet no one suspected a thing for decades. Until last year.

Looking over Valerie's battles Theodore found exactly what he was looking for.

This'll kill two birds with one stone..

Shifting his attention away from his computer Theodore turned it off calling Phi into his room.


Walking out on stage it was the last battle for group A: Xander vs Arthur. Valt Aoi along with some other bladers weren't there in the crowd, instead they were training.

But Phi didn't care, slumped against the wall Phi could've cared less about this battle or any of this. He had better things to do but yet here he was because Theodore had pushed him outside.

Looking down at the stadium Arthur had managed to snag a point.

It was all so pointless to Phi, even the tournament felt dry. It was funny to him how people were crying over something silly as a battle. Even that little blue haired girl was amusing to him. She was desperately trying to reach out to Free only to have her realize he was too far gone..

It was amusing how they thought they could actually save them.

He already knew the outcome of this whole thing, everything was already laid out before him. Theodore had shown him the battles for the day and everything was going according to plan. Or rather Theodore's plan.

This whole thing was about Theodore from the start. He was the one who had dragged Phi into this. Phi didn't mind at first but now things had changed and Phi was starting to grow tired of Theodore's constant reign.

Before Xander and Arthur's battle Theodore and Phi had an argument after Theodore had called him into his office. This was very common with the two, they often did have differing opinions on certain topics but instead of making up Phi had stormed off after Theodore told him to get out.

By now Phi was used to discrimination, after all discrimination was everywhere, it was inevitable. But Phi was surprised how long he managed being bossed around by Theodore. But then again it took months until Phi was ready to leave The Dread Tower.

Valt Aoi: The Battle for the Lost (Book 3!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt