Ep 47: Learning from a Legend

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After Theodore exited the training room he made his way to the stands. As he walked through the hallway everyone turned to stare straight at him.

His eyes were glowing teal and there was a faint aura surrounding him as he walked. At this point he didn't even care about hiding his true power now in fact he found himself embracing it to the point where he didn't want to turn it off.

Meanwhile on the other side of the building was Valt Aoi along with BC Sol. Below Clio and Cuza had just finished their battle. Since the next battle wasn't for a few minutes everyone was just hanging out and talking.

"I wonder who will be in the next battle." Sasha said.

"Well it's either going to be Shu and Zac or another group." Valt answered.

Onstage the next two bladers stepped out which was Joshua and Drum.

The crowd cheered including BC Sol.


Valt stopped and looked around, everyone was on their feet cheering except for Valt himself.


Theodore Glass stood with his eyes glowing and his hand on Valt's shoulder.

At this point everyone had sat down and was now watching the conversation unfold between Theodore and Valt.

"Theodore? What are you doing here I thought..."

"You can always watch this battle later now c'mon we've got training to do."

Theodore grabbed Valts hand and led him into the hallway but Valt stopped letting his hand slip out of his.

Looking back Sasha said: "We'll be fine besides don't forget to have fun."

Valt smiled and gave her a thumbs up before running off with Theodore.



Valtryek sped across the stadium glowing with power.

Valt wasn't really focused and instead he was looking over at Theodore.

"What's interesting?" Valt asked.


Theodore's eyes were still glowing as his eyes followed Valtryek.

Once it slowed down Valt picked it up.

"So I was thinking we could start with..."

"No... I mean not yet."

Theodore paused holding out his hand while Valt handed it to him reluctantly.

As he looked at it there was an awkward tension in the air looking back up at Theodore his eyes were still glowing and he was muttering things like: Incredible or Interesting.

"Are you feeling okay Theodore, your eyes have been glowing for a while now.... why don't you take some of your meds? I managed to steal them out of your office when we left the Snake Pit."

Valt held out the meds and this time Theodore took them reluctantly. Opening the bottle he slowly popped one in his mouth and swallowed, his eyes stopped glowing and he shoulders relaxed.


"No problem, what did you think we would start off with?"


Theodore adjusted his cuffs and took a deep breath.

"When battling communication is key and by being in sync together can help accomplish that even better. So I was thinking for today you could choose the activity."

Valt Aoi: The Battle for the Lost (Book 3!)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن