Ep 29: The Phantom Meanace

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Alright this is one of my favorite chapters so far. It's sad but at the same time it's really good at the same time but overall I hope you guys enjoy!

Walking out on stage there was a pit of dread in Sasha's stomach. Her hands felt shaky and her throat was dry.

Free had always been quiet in his own way, maybe even a little mysterious. But standing in front of Sasha he was absolutely terrifying.

There was golden glow around him but in his resonance were also bits of purple foreshadowing Phi's control over him. The eye holes of his mask were also glowing. Veins were popping out of his arms and his air was moving a little.

Sasha had seen Free in battle, she had seen him and his resonance always looking bored as if his opponent wasn't a challenge. But this Free before her wasn't the same, in fact Sasha could barely recognize him.

The only thing that proved it was Free was his blonde hair and the red streak, in fact his hair almost seemed blonder like it was getting lighter but Sasha knew the Snake Pit was mostly indoors and yet there they were.

But everything else about him seemed buried under Theodore and Phi's influence from the Snake Pit attire and the purple aura. He seemed more gone than the other bladers, for some they still talked semi normal while others still looked roughly the same but this version of Free was on another level.

This is my chance, I have to beat him and snap him out of it! The more I can reach out to him the easier it'll be for Valt!

"You can't just pretend like nothing's happened to you, I know what you're doing. You're pushing yourself away from us, your friends, your team! We're your real team Free! Do you know how many times Kris has cried these past few months!"

Free's head straightened up at the mention of Kris.

Kris! That's it! That's his weak point; he needs to think about his friends and family!

Relaxing, Sasha got into her launching stance along with Free, she smiled at the sight of Free still using his old stance but as everyone started counting things began to get serious. She knew Free was going to beat her but she knew she didn't have to.

"Let it Rip!"

Launching her bey, Gaianon rode the outer slope avoiding Fafnir at all costs, she knew the minute they collided it would be all over. Instead of trying to attack she was going to try and drag this out as long as she could.

"You've abandoned us Free! I always thought you were invincible, I looked up to you but ever since you went missing you've changed and not in a good way. There's a line when it comes to blading and I'm not really sure where it is but I know this is way on the wrong side of it. I bet that's why you went to the Snake Pit on purpose because you saw what it did to Shu last year and you to wanted to be stronger!"

Clenching his fists, Fafnir began spinning faster until it started chasing Gaianon.

"You've always been the same and that's why I need some answers. Are you pretending not to care or is this for real!"

Free reached out his hand as Fafnir got closer, the minute he balled up his fist Gaianon bursted. But Sasha didn't even care, instead she was looking back up at Free with pleading eyes.

"Well?" Stop pretending like you don't care and just answer!"

Free didn't say anything and instead he only got into his launching stance.

Sasha only grumbled doing the same.

My approach to this isn't working. I need to try harder and make him think about Kris and BC Sol!

Valt Aoi: The Battle for the Lost (Book 3!)Where stories live. Discover now