Ep 4: The Airport

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Sorry it's been so long, I've been super busy with school and golf tournaments lately but I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! I will try to post more once the season is over.

It was a long plane ride back to BC Sol. Most of the day was spent switching planes or keeping track of luggage.

But what didn't help was the weather.

It was now that time of month where the weather would soon be turning to winter and things would get cold. Really cold. But it already felt like winter where they were.

Snow littered the ground and landscape creating a beautiful scene outside.

Valt Aoi stood starting out the window taking in every second of the falling snow. Back in Japan it snowed in some areas but not where he lived. So whenever he was traveling around the world he would always stop what he was doing to take it in.

He desperately wanted to go outside and play. Have a snowball fight or make snowmen.

In Spain it did also snow but where BC Sol was it happened very rarely. One year though they did get lucky.

While Valt stared out the window in awe, Aiger and Vincent had left to get food while Hyde and Valt remained behind to save their seats.

The airport was busy this time of day and people were rushing around to get lunch or to board their plane. But it was the snow that made the place so busy.

Many peoples flights had been cancelled or delayed by a couple hours. Valt and company's flight back to Spain had been delayed for 3 hours until the weather could clear up. So for the meantime Valt and Hyde were just hanging out.

But Valt was getting worried, Aiger and Vincent had been gone for a long time. Had they gotten lost? Had they gone on the wrong flight? Was the line for food too long? Or was this Theodore?

No an airport was too public to kidnap them but at the same time it was the perfect place to blend in.

Agh where were they?

A few minutes later Vincent and Aiger had returned carrying big bags full of food and other items.

"Sorry we were late, Aiger insisted that he should grab a souvenir for his sister and then I wanted to grab one for you guys and you know how that went."

"Guys we need to stay together do you know how many bladers are left?"




Everyone looked over at Vincent.

"Well she's not a blader but she's still on our side."

"Are you guys completely sure Theodore hasn't taken them?"

Everyone was silent from Valt's question.

"Do you know who he's taken? Toko, Zac, Koji, Xander, Xavier, Kit, Hae Jin, Cuza, Ren Wu, Suoh, Free, Diago, Arthur..."

"Nobody liked Arthur." Hyde said looking up from his book.

"You're forgetting someone." Vincent said quietly.



Everyone quieted down. Fubuki had been on their minds a lot lately. His screams and yelling had been haunting Valt's dreams or should I say nightmares.

"I know it seems like there aren't that many of us left but Fubuki gave us a chance to make things right. He knows we can fix everything and we will. Now come on let's see what's taking us so long."

Aiger got up and the rest of the group followed over to the screens with the flights on them.

"There it is." Aiger pointed up at the screen.

Below their flight was the word: Cancelled.

"Great now we're stuck here." Vincent said.

After looking at the flights the boys were stuck. All flights had been cancelled due to the blizzard getting worse. So by using his connections Valt has boomed them a hotel to wait it out.

Considering how bad the snow was when they landed they were pretty lucky that they had landed safely.

For the rest of the afternoon everyone went their separate ways. Hyde was reading his book, Aiger was at the indoor pool, Vincent was shopping for a better souvenir from the one Aiger gave him and Valt was watching a movie.

But everyone didn't stay out long. Vincent and Aiger eventually returned from what they were doing.

After ordering room service and eating dinner Aiger turned on another movie.

But everyone didn't stay out long. Vincent and Aiger eventually returned from what they were doing.

After ordering room service and eating dinner Aiger turned on another movie. Eventually the sun set and it was getting late. Everyone went to bed except for Hyde who told everyone he would keep the first watch in case anything happened.

It was an uneventful evening for Hyde, he mainly just hung out, watched TV or read. At one point he got up and watched the snow fall.

Everything was very chill until there was a knock at the door. It was near midnight and everyone was long asleep except for Hyde.

Opening the door Theodore and Phi stood in the doorway while Phi was leaning against the wall.

"Evening Hyde, may we come in?"

Hyde hesitantly opened the door. Theodore came in taking a look around and Phi sat down on one of the couches.

"Are you alone Hyde?"

"Yes, why?"

Theodore pointed at the luggage on the ground.

"Being the prince of darkness you need more essentials than the average person. What do you guys want?"

Theodore turned off the TV.

"How would you like to be the undefeated world champion again?"

Hyde remained silent.

"I'm giving you one chance to defeat Phi and join our army. Together we'll show everyone the true power of blading. So what do you say?"

Hyde was silent thinking but he already knew the answer.

"No, I know what you guys are up to and you won't win."

"We've already won Hyde now we just need you."

"No, you don't need me. In the end you'll be the source of your own undoing."

"It seems you've made your choice but I must know something Hyde....." Theodore said getting up going over to the door. Facing the hallway he asked:

"How will 3 little kids and a wanna be prince could possibly stand up to my army?"

Hyde didn't know how to respond to that.

"Oh and tell Valt I yield this time, but it's only a matter of time. The war has only just begun."

And with that Theodore left closing the door leaving Hyde standing in the middle of the room.

Valt came out from behind the door.

"I heard everything."

Hyde said nothing and went back to the TV.

"Thanks for staying." Valt said quietly.

Going over to the window Valt sat down watching the snowfall. Looking over at the window Hyde turned off the TV and sat down next to Valt. For the rest of the night the pair watched the snow fall and said nothing.

Valt Aoi: The Battle for the Lost (Book 3!)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें