Ep 52: The Fall and The Rise part 1

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Valt didn't get a wink of sleep in fact he didn't really remember falling asleep that night.

But regardless of whether or not he got sleep, walking into the building the next morning the realization was starting to sink in.

The tension in the air was thick between everyone and with each passing day more and more people had started to show up.

But as much as Valt wanted to say hi to his old friends he had other business to attend to.

Walking into Theodore's private suite, Theodore was behind his desk on his computer. Norman sat in a chair at the side of Theodore's desk

"Valt, I didn't hear you come in our training session is later and I'd really appreciate it if you..."

Before Theodore had the chance to close his laptop Valt took a seat wearing a determined expression.

"I know why you're really here Theodore."

Looking up from his laptop something had changed in Valt, was it the determined look in his eyes or was this something else?

Whatever it was Theodore was interested enough to crack his laptop and push it aside.

"To the point that's what I like about you bladers, always so serious in battle and outside the ring."

"What did you do to Shu!"

Theodore let out a tired sigh and stood up from his desk. Walking to the entry he opened the door.

"You may go Norman."

After he left Theodore closed the door and locked it. Going back to his desk he didn't sit down. Instead he leaned on the front of his desk looking down at Valt.

"And why am I here Valt?" He said, glancing at the window.

People had started to gather and Valt could see some of BC Sol.

"I think you already know the answer. I heard everything from Hyde and Shu. You're the real villain."

Theodore laughed at the word villain. He had been called many things in his life and yet this nickname was no different from the countless others.

"Really? and how am I the true villain?"

"You manipulated Shu, Phi and everyone! You tried to hurt Shu the other day! You've manipulated me and what's worse is that you've tortured countless bladers and you've taken away Free!"

Looking down at Valt his golden power could barely been seen.

Going to the back of his desk Theodore sat back down.

"True, but I wasn't the one who told Shu to become Red Eye, that was all him. I only helped him in his cause."


"And the same goes for Phi and you too. I am not the villain, I am only the helper or messenger in all of this. And the torturing? The Snake Pit is abandoned and Free going there was all his choice."

Valt was quiet for a few minutes

"Shu told me himself that you tried to corrupt him yesterday. Your power isn't your money or knowledge. It's your manipulation and what's worse is that you don't just try to control a bladers power you can copy them."

Theodore relaxed and his shoulders went down.

"You may have witnesses Valt, but you don't have evidence. Face it you have nothing against me. I've been doing this for years."

Theodore leaned back watching Valt trying to think of a comeback but eventually he gave up.

"Besides..." Theodore got up from his desk.

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