Ep 17: The Mole within the Mole

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It was a grey cloudy day, and there was a gloomy mood in the air. The weather was turning and so was the blading world.

Count Nightfell was officially Bc Sol's prisoner or guest depending on the perspective. Like a prisoner they kept him in one of the dorms giving him food and drilling him with questions. That morning Valt and the rest of Bc Sol put together a list of questions. Some of the questions he easily answered like "How did Phi and Theodore meet?"

While others he was more cryptic like "How did Phi corrupt bladers?"

The morning after eating breakfast BC Sol met up again to decide what to do with their "prisoner"

Everyone gathered again in the gym once again. Fighting had settled down but people were still left wondering what they were going to decide today.

"Thank you all for coming today again on such short notice. As you all know Count Nightfell has been working with Theodore and Phi. We can't just keep him around BC Sol but we can't just let him go. Today in this meeting we need to brainstorm ideas on how we should handle this. Does anyone have any ideas?"

The room was silent as bladers were looking at each other.

In the front row Hoji raised his hand.


"We could tell WBBA?"

It's true they could involve them but why would a bunch of grownups believe kids who claim an evil mad man was trying got take over the blading world with his army of corrupted bladers.


The problem with the Count was that he wasn't corrupted. He willingly joined Phi and Theodore's cause so turning him to their side would be hard. But maybe they didn't have to...

"How about this, instead of trying to turn Count Nightfell to our side we use him to our advantage."

Sasha raised her hand.

"Yes Sasha?"

"What do mean by using him to our advantage?"

"Good question, what I mean is why don't we send Coun Nightfell back to the Dread Tower as our spy?"

"That's a good idea, Valt."


For the rest of the morning Valt, Aiger, Sasha, Rantaro, Lui, Shu, Drum, Hyde, Silas, Boa, Norman and finally Ben gathered in the gym to watch the Count's trip back to the Dread Tower.

Surprisingly, Raul managed to install a camera on the Counts Hat while he was knocked out and after waking up Valt told him they decided to let him go.

The Count was a little suspicious but went anyway going back to the Dread Tower.

The group gathered in the gym, and some bladers even had popcorn like Rantaro. The whole thing reminded Valt of a huge sleepover even though it was daytime still.

Everyone gathered around, as The Count entered the Dread Tower. The majority of the morning was pretty boring with the Count on his flight or in the taxi. But now things were getting interesting.

The large gates opened revealing Theodore Glass standing with his hands behind his back. He seemed impatient or on edge but the Count didn't notice.

The camera gave off feedback as the Count walked towards Theodore.

"Did you pig!" Hoji yelled.

Everyone shushed him, overlapping on the Counts conversation with Theodore.

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