Ep 53: The Fall and The Rise part 2

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Walking out on stage Valt didn't even try to hold back anymore and instead he let his golden power flow.

Meanwhile Phi on the other hand was smirking as he watched Valt walking onstage.

Stopping just short of the stadium all of Valt's cheery attitude had now been replaced with clear determination.

"It's time for you to go Phi but I'll give you one more chance it doesn't need to be this way. We don't need to fight." Valt said.

"Maybe I want to fight."

Letting his own power build up, his eyes started glowing black and his own purple resonance was flowing all around him.

Holding out his bey Valt tensed up but he did the same showing off Valtryek.

Putting his bey in his launcher Valt's eyes were glowing golden with power and his own resonance was starting to turn from golden to blue.

"3...2...1...Let it Rip!"

Phoenix immediately took the center while Valtryek went on the offensive attacking. Like before Phoenix sat back taking all the hits brushing them all off like they were nothing.

"Turbo Valtryek Whip!"

Valryek began glowing golden and collided with Phoenix and for once Phoenix was struggling to hold its ground

"You're much more ruthless than the last time we did this but too bad it's not enough to beat me."

"Phoenix Break!"

They collided in a storm of chaos, with their beys disappearing into the fight both bladers stood watching everything until Phi broke the silence.

"I must admit you've gotten stronger ever since you battled Theodore the other day but it won't make a difference."

Down below Phoenix broke out and was now back in the center but this time it was dodging Valtryek's attacks.

"You can't win that way Valt, not with those petty attacks."

Valt ignored him and kept attacking.

With each attack Phoenix dodged Valtyrek bounced off the wall coming back at Phoenix with more power and force. Then just as Valtryek was ready for one big attack Phoenix moved, letting Valtryek hit the side of the stadium and fly out.

Part of the crowd cheered as Phi picked up his bey in the center but as he was about to put it in his launcher Phoenix bursted in his hand and Phi's confident smirk dissipated.

Looking up at Valt he too had seen the other possible outcome and kept his determined stare on Phi.

Slowly Phi's confidence came back along with his purple resonance as he smiled down on Valt.

Holding out his launcher, Phi watched as Valt did the same.

"You're so good at playing hero Valt, too bad your friend or should I say friends are the villains. First Red Eye and now Free I wonder if you'll be next...." he said holding out his launcher.

For a minute there was a look off uncertainty on Valt's face and his golden power flickered for a minute and then came back on.

Phi smiled watching the fear take over Valt.

"3...2...1...Let it Rip!"

This time instead of taking the center Phoenix went on the outside while Valryek did the same.
Chasing Valtryek Phoenix caught up and knocked Valtryek into the center.

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