Ep 56: The Party

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After things had settled from the tournament everyone decided to regroup back at the hotel. Since Valt missed Sasha's party she decided to have a new one since everyone was there celebrating for different reasons.

But instead of having it inside Sasha thought since it was a nice night that she would move the party outside.

There was a big long buffet table full of various snacks from Ange and there was even some bey bread Valt kept snagging when no one was looking.

Looking around the party some kids were in party wear while others were still wearing the same outfit. Most bladers were on the dance like Kit and Honey.

But just when the party was really getting interesting Amanda, her mom and Liam showed up with even more snacks talking to Free.

Meanwhile on the dance floor Ranjiro and Aiger were having a dance battle with everyone surrounding them and cheering. Fubuki was the judge along with Toko, Drum and Cuza.

Valt smiled at the sight as he turned his attention to Rantaro and Wakiya. They too were arguing about Ranjiro and Aigers dance battle and Wakiya looked like he was going to explode. Diago was there too trying to keep them from killing each other.

Off to the side of the dance battle was Joshua and Zac chatting it up along with Joshua's director Trent who kept suggesting they make a movie together about the whole tournament.

At the same time Hyde, Xander, Clio and Silas were talking in the back away from everyone else.

But the only people who weren't on the dance floor was Lui, Shu was off talking to Kris while Fubuki had managed to drag Suoh onto the dance floor.

Looking over at Lui he raised his cup and cracked a small smile nodding his head. Valt smiled back watching the dance floor again.

The only people who weren't at the party were Ken, Valerie and Vincent. Ken had to go home to see his parents while Valerie and Vincent had been quiet but that was okay Valt understood when he tried to invite them earlier.

It was funny how so much had changed over the past couple of month's, and looking back on it all now it felt even longer than that but in a way everyone at the party was a little closer with each other than before.

The disco ball started to slow down and the music went from excited to chill. Everyone stepped off the dance floor taking a break going over to the snack table and getting either punch or a snack.

Taking another drink of punch Val was about to go hang out with his friends when Sasha finally showed up. Time seemed to slow down as she walked into the party.

She was wearing a long blue dress with pink highlights and her hair was down but of course she was still wearing her signature pink hair clip.

"Wow." Valt said as she walked up.

"Don't get used to it." Sasha said smoothing out her dress.

"I'm sorry I was late."she added.

"And here I thought I was the last one to show up." Valt said.

Sasha laughed along with Valt.

Once she stopped laughing Valt asked "Do you want to dance?"

Glancing at the dance floor only Kit and Honey were there having fun while everyone else was watching.

Before they went on Sasha added "And for the record, I really like you Valt."

Goosebumps erupted across his skin and his throat became dry.

Valt Aoi: The Battle for the Lost (Book 3!)Where stories live. Discover now