Chapter 22: Leaves on the Path

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Hi everyone!  SK here.

So last chapter was pretty hectic, this one is a little more toned-down in terms of craziness.  That doesn't mean big things aren't happening this chapter~!

I won't waste much time talking here, so let's get started.

I hope you enjoy~!


Reza, Kya, Star, Mlm, Sylkie, Hiro, Brooklyn, Luna, Her Majesty and I all start running for our lives from the humans that are currently chasing after us.  

"Why are we not flying!?" I yell out.

"DO YOU THINK WE CAN FLY!?" Brooklyn screams.  "NO!"  I want to cringe at myself for forgetting that Spirit Soldiers aren't actual fairies.

"The hell was that, Valerie?" the normally-quiet Hiro questions rather loudly and angrily.  "You were supposed to not do whatever you just did!"

"We're going to the Route," huffs the Queen.  "We'll lose the humans that way, and knowing Heliux, Layra, Ash, and Serena will all be on their way there themselves."

"Can't they just follow us?" I protest, glancing backwards as I do.  We're so small that we go by relatively unnoticed, but there is still a crowd chasing us.

While running, the Queen shakes her head.  "The Route is full of twists and turns, so it is very easy to get lost.  There is little chance of any humans making it into the fairy world."  She pauses, still running, and turns back to me.  "Valerie, what happened back there?"

"I don't know."  I start to fumble with my words.  "My inner consciousness started talking to me and-"

"Okay okay, hold on," interrupts Her Majesty as we continue to stay on the move.  My legs are starting to tire out but I will them to keep going because if not, I'm as good as dead.  "I don't have time for a big explanation right now.  Let's return to the fairies first."  She turns back to face in front of her once more.

"Alright," I say breathlessly, nodding my head up and down at her even though she's in front of me and cannot see me.  We push through grass, gravel, and bushes as the ten of us burst into the forest.  I don't see a clear path ahead of us, but Her Majesty seems to know where she is going.  That's when I look down and see the slimmest and dimmest of lime green lines on the ground, zigzagging through shrubs and flower patches.  This is the route, I realize.  That's how humans can get lost; I can barely see the line and I'm fairy-sized.

"Won't humans wreck the forest with their size if they follow us through?"  I think that's a pretty valid question to ask.  

"They would, but they won't," Luna promises, the knot on her cyan-coloured shirt fluttering slightly as the air rushes past her.  "If we can barely see the line, how do you think the humans could?"

That's true, I admit to myself.  By that logic, we should be safe then.  But...

"Where is the part where we cross dimensions?" I shout to the Spirit Soldiers.

"There isn't one clear line," Reza returns breathlessly.  "It's more of a gradient.  There are parts where they blend together.  It fades."  Alright then.

We continue to run along the Route and its winding trail until we begin to hear some familiar voices.  Once we turn a corner, we meet with both the Ministers and the Leaders.  To my disappointment, August and Verity aren't here to relax me.  Although I guess that's partly a good thing, I still have no idea what I'm going to say to that Light fairy.  

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