Chapter 11: Dream a Little Dream of...

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Hi everyone!  SK here.

Sooooooo Valerie has to return to school tomorrow, while staying with the fairies, and the twins have their meeting with the Queen tomorrow as well.  How will everything go?

This chapter might seem a bit like a filler-chapter, but pay close attention. :3

I'd also recommend getting some headphones because there's gonna be music in this chapter!!  Or play it out loud.  (Or don't play it at all.. -w-) Your choice XD

Note: The song featured in this chapter is called Eldamar (a German song) by Oonagh.  It is seriously beautiful!

ALSO ANOTHER NOTE because this A/N isn't already too long... TFC (The Fairy's Cure) hit 11K... just wow.  You guys are great :)

I hope you enjoy this chapter~!!


As soon as we emerge from the Council's Court, I feel two arms rapidly stretch around me and hug me tight.  I turn my head slightly, and I see that it is in fact Valerie who's gotten hold of me.  Her face is slightly red, and her head is turned away from mine in a cutesy way.

I can't help but smile at her.  "What is it?"

"You," she answers, almost breathlessly.  "You helped me go back home, and you helped me stay away from that abusive man.  Plus, you granted me another two years of life.  Just..." she trails away, looking at me with two big purple puddles filled with golden stars.  "Thank you."

"There's no need to thank me," I tell her evenly.  "You're my best friend, I'd do anything for you."

Her happy attitude deflates a little bit, and I can't help but frown inside.  Did I say something to upset her?

Before I can say anything, however, Verity begins tugging on my arm.  Valerie lets go of me and we both look to her, waiting for her to explain herself.  

"Come on guys, let's go have fun!" she exclaims, doing a little happy dance around in a circle.  "It's only five thirty.  We still have lots of hours left before nighttime!  Let's party!"

Valerie looks confused, while I just gaze at her with an amused look.  "Are we going to have a concert tonight?  A dance maybe?  I didn't think we had any parties planned for tonight."

"We have the musical practice to attend," Verity reminds me, a glint in her eyes.  "Well, more like you have the musical practice to attend, August.  Can't let Layra down, can you?"

I sigh.  "No."  My mom's 502nd birthday is coming up in the next month or so, so a lot of the fairies are going to put on a big musical number for her.  And by a lot of the fairies, I do mean a lot; I think 90% of the Colony is in on this.  Dad and my sister opted out because they can't sing or do any artistic thing whatsoever, so they volunteered to what they call the "Serena Distraction Force".  

Basically they're the ones that keep this whole thing a secret from Mom, although I'm pretty sure that she suspects that something is up.

"How is practice considered to be a party?" I question Verity.  

She shrugs.  "Well, you guys always look like you're having lots of fun up on stage, so I figured it's like a party.  I'm gonna get Dad to distract Mom, and I'll come join Valerie in the seats to watch!"

Valerie perks up at this, but before she can say anything, I step in.  "I doubt that she'd enjoy watching a bunch of fairies sing and dance around on stage," I protest, but she steps in front of me and tosses me a smile.

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