Chapter 8: The Sound of Truth

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Hi everyone, SK here.  

Um... I'm not really sure what to say here.  I hope you all had a good week I guess?  Oh- and I'd like to apologize if these chapters seem a bit boring.  Things are going slow now, but more exciting things are coming, I promise... like in this chapter.

(BTW, I'd recommend listening to the music with this chapter- trust me!)

Without further adieu, let's begin.  I hope you enjoy! :)


So as it turns out, this place- Colony?- is very easy to escape from.  There are no walls whatsoever, no gates or boundaries to keep everyone contained.  All there is is a point where everything just stops, and that's where the forest begins.  

A light breeze wafts through my hair as I step beyond the edges of the fairies' home.  Last night, when I was running here, I couldn't see anything aside from darkness and perhaps some patches of flowers illuminated by the light from August's wings.  Now, the forest is bright and bursting with beautiful vibrant shades of green.

Dark evergreens and luscious oak and maple trees burst upwards while bushy shrugs spread their branches outwards like big puffy pom-poms.  The grass here still has some remnants of morning dew, even though it's the afternoon.  I can already tell that it's super soft, which makes me wonder if I should take off my shoes and walk with my bare feet on it.  But I don't wanna get them wet.. hmph.

The further I walk into the forest, the more I notice the oddities all around me.  Some parts of this forest are human-sized, which to me now looks incredibly gigantic, while other parts are fairy-sized.  It's a little weird to see, but I suppose it's just the magic of this place doing its work.

Another thing I notice is that there are no Pokemon here at all.  The lack of Pokemon cries creates a dome of silence around this forest, the only sounds being the occasional swaying of tree branches and the leaves that rest upon them.  Well, I guess the gentle sound of piano and violin is also in the air as well.

I stop for a moment and close my eyes, appreciating the serenity of this place.  "It's so peaceful," I murmur to myself.  With a chuckle, I imagine what my friends would be doing if they were here with me; before long, a vision starts to form in my head.

"Watch me climb this tree, Rosa!" Nate says, pointing to one of the human-sized trees.  He grabs hold of the bark and starts to climb it rather quickly.

Rosa sighs as she starts up the tree after him, albeit at a much slower pace.  "You're gonna hurt yourself, get your butt down!" she hollers.

On the ground, Hilda worries about her younger sister.  "She's so reckless... I just hope she doesn't hurt herself."

Beside her, Hilbert puts a comforting arm on her shoulder.  "They both are, but they always turn out fine at the end of the day.  Don't worry about 'em too much, 'kay?"

Hilda smiles and leans her head on his shoulder.

Meanwhile, Ethan and Brendan start to inspect the nearby bushes.  The latter has always loved looking for new scientific discoveries, so landing himself in the world of fairies is probably quite the wonderful experience for him.  His best friend, Ethan, follows behind him; the boy doesn't really like science that much, but he enjoys spending time with Brendan.

"Let's do something fun!" Kris exclaims at the two, looking bored.

Brendan looks up at her, annoyed.  "We're already doing that.  We're exploring, right Ethan?"

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