Chapter 19: The Dawn Fires

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Hi everyone, SK here.

So, have I killed your ship?  It might seem like it... oops.

Also you've probably been noticing a lot of the chapters have been in Val's POV- this point of the story is focusing on her, but the twins will get more chapters in the future.  Promise.

I'm not gonna waste much time here, let's get right to the chapter.  Enjoy~!


Imagine this.

You find yourself in a perfect dreamscape, a dreamscape that is better than any reality you came from.  Everything you could ever wish for is there, ready for you to reach out and take it.  It's a perfect world, a utopia, a place where everything can exist and not exist simultaneously but everything makes sense and it's beautiful.

What, you can't imagine it?

Fine... I'll give you my example.

My paradise is a world of blue.  A world where cerulean hues take over every person, every thing.  Except me.  I'm special.  The dewy, grassy hills that I roll down are all a wonderful shade of sapphire.  The sky is alight with blue rain, blue flame, blue oceans.  All at once.  I can reach up and touch droplets of cerulean water, droplets forming themselves into magnificent webs with unimaginable patterns.  Blue moons, indigo leaves, cerulean eyes...

Ahem.  You get it.

Now imagine you take one wrong step.  You do one wrong thing.  Take something you weren't suppose to.  All of a sudden, the world begins to crack and crumble apart, the world that you began to call home instead of the reality you originally came from.  The magnificent, perfect world, all falling apart because a single line was crossed.  The unthinkable happens.  You find yourself freefalling.  Gravity accelerates your fall, and as much as you try to reach up to the heaven that you're falling from, it doesn't want you, it doesn't want itself, it is destroying itself because you, yes you, did something wrong.

Then, you wake up in that cold reality you came from, my cold reality where there are no more blue moons, no more indigo leaves, and especially no more cerulean eyes for me to fall in love with.

I sigh, placing a hand on my foggy glass windowpane.  The sun has just risen, the sky filling up with pastel pinks and purples and everything in between.  The sun's rays will melt this fog soon, and soon I myself will need to get dressed to be ready to meet with the Queen this morning.

Last night was literal hell.  After I came back to the Colony, I stayed in my room for the entire night.  I didn't leave to do anything, not even eat.  I'm sure that August was looking for me, probably the Ministers too.  I know for a fact that Verity was, because she in fact knocked on my door and asked me what was wrong.  I'd told her I needed to be alone but to come back tomorrow morning- which is now- and I'm almost 99% sure that she's going to take me up on that offer.

August doesn't like me back.

Honestly, I don't know why I'm so surprised.  He hasn't been showing interest in me like I have for him.

I glance back at my window, watching the fog begin to dissipate.  Eventually, the fog melts, and you can see clearly again.

I need to melt this fog over my heart.  Only, what is the fog?  My love for August, or my thought that August doesn't love me back?

Obviously it's the first one, I point out to myself.  You need to start moving on.

Turning away from the window, I walk back to my bed and sit down.  "Maybe I do," I whisper to myself.  Why do I whisper even when I'm alone?  "I have to stop thinking about him."

The Fairy's Poison: FD 2 (Pokemon) ||Complete||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora