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All Lyra could feel was pain as they injected needles into her body, she screamed. She was put inside a chamber, a room almost and they would keep torturing her with anything, knives, electricity. She got shocked so many times yet she hasn't died yet. She wanted to die, she cried softly thinking of Peter, thinking of Nathan, Tracy, her friends. She was tied up against a chair, she couldn't move.

She watched as the men come in and beat her up, she felt pain. Pain. She closed her eyes softly, her ability allowed her to reduce the pain. She could also feel the heartbeats of other people around her, was that something special? 

"S-stop," she begged, as an older woman walked into the room and slit Lyra's arm. Lyra felt the blood trickling down her arm and quickly splashed the blood on the woman's face. The woman frowned and slapped Lyra. Lyra felt dizzy. She felt tired, and her head ached so much. She closed her eyes. 

Lyra felt something shock her, making her scream in pain, her whole body felt weak, she couldn't move or do anything. "Finally awake?" a voice asked, Lyra opened her eyes and looked across the glass, there was a tall man with blue eyes and blonde hair, "My name is Mark, and I need to ask you some questions regarding these people, Peter Petrelli, Gabriel Gray, Emma Coolidge, and Tracy Strauss."

Lyra stared back evenly, "I'm- I'm not telling you anything!" she cried before screaming again as something shocked her whole body. She closed her eyes and breathed in the pain, it left a scorching mark on her hands. Her body was tied up against a chair, her hands on the arms rest.

"We don't want to hurt you, we just want to ask questions," Mark said. Lyra shook her head as tears flowed down her face, she wasn't- she couldn't tell them anything. "Mrs. Petrelli, please, we don't want to hurt you or your child."

Lyra huffed quietly, "Where is Elizabeth?" she asked. "Where did you put her?!" Lyra cried, she flailed around hopelessly trying to escape but nothing worked. She closed her eyes feeling the man's blood flow. She stared at him and closed her eyes, cracking his bones using the blood in his body. Breaking his skin with the water in his body, Lyra started to smile. "I'm going to ask you," she started, "One more time," she warned feeling a rush of adrenaline through her body.

She watched as the man in front of her flail around begging her to stop, "Stop!" he cried, "We-We'll tell you!" he choked as she brought the water into his lungs. She then took it out and smiled, she closed her eyes instantly being able to freeze the water making it sharp and cracking the glass with it. She freed herself from the chair and stood up angrily.

"Where is she?" Lyra warned, "Tell me, or I'll kill you," she said meaning every word, this power she had, it was special. She could feel almost any source of water, she could feel it near the pipes, she could detect life form, she laughed.

Mark stared at her in shock, "She's in room 204," he said quickly, before running away, Lyra smiled and quickly walked around the building looking for her daughter. She finally found room 204, she smiled. She entered the room and watched as the people there stare at her scared. She suddenly caught someone's gaze and she quickly punched him.

She picked up the phone that had been ringing, where was Elizabeth? "Hello? Whoever this is-" Lyra started. She looked around and realized Elizabeth wasn't here, she sighed.

"Who are you and where is Jacob?" a woman's voice said.

Lyra smirked to herself, "Who am I?" she asked, "My name is Lyra Petrelli," she whispered, "The 'dangerous threat'?" she offered. "Now, the question is, who are you?" Lyra asked, "See, I could kill you and your whole crew of people in an instant," she said. "It's your choice,"

"My name is Erica Kravid," the woman answered, "So you found your true potential Mrs. Petrelli?" she asked.

Lyra sighed, "Erica what did you guys do to me?" she asked sternly.

"Nothing, of- we ran tests, gave you an ability- not going to tell you of course!" Erica said with a nervous laugh.

Lyra bit her lip, "Where is my daughter?" she asked, she looked around nervously, Elizabeth wasn't here. Where was she? "Where is she!"

"I don't know," Erica lied.

"Tell me!" Lyra warned.

"Let me talk to Jacob and I'll tell you"

"How long have I been here for?" Lyra asked not wanting to hear any more from Erica. She suddenly someone walked into the room, Lyra turned to face them and raised her arm making them fall onto the ground. "Erica?" she asked.

"Almost a month," Erica answered, "Listen I need you to help me wi-" Lyra ended the call quickly.

Lyra placed the phone in her pocket, "I need to find my baby," she whispered, "I need to get out of here," Lyra walked out of the room and bumped into someone, "Oh now what?" she muttered angrily.


Lyra looked at the person she bumped into and her eyes widened, "Noah?" she asked confused, "What are you doing here?" she whispered, "It's a dangerous place," She stared at the man with horn-rimmed glasses.

"Yeah, I know, what are you doing here?" he asked. "Are you okay?" he muttered confused.

"I was taken here," Lyra said, "I'm escaping unless you know where my daughter is," Lyra added, if it wasn't obvious enough, Lyra quickly walked away. Noah quickly followed. "Hey, why did they choose me?" she asked.

"You- your file, you have the ability to learn other people's abilities," he answered quickly as they walked towards a hallway.

"What are you talking about?" Lyra asked confused.

"I think she went that way!" Lyra turned around as she heard the voices, she quickly closed her eyes and could hear them coming.

"This way," he muttered as they walked through a dark hallway. He pointed to an emergency exit door, "Go," he said quickly, "I'll distract them," Lyra nodded in thanks, and opened the door. She looked around confused. Where was she? She looked around and quickly found a truck driving, she raised her hand and the driver stopped letting her enter the car.

"Hey, what's a pretty girl like you doing in Colorado?" the older man asked. Lyra shrugged not knowing what to say. "Well, where are you headed?"

Lyra shrugged again, "I need to make a phone call," she whispered. "How about Washington D.C.?" she asked, before dialing Peter's number.

The older man laughed, "Well, it's going to be a long ride," he muttered, "I have to drop by New York too,"

Lyra nodded and looked at the phone, "Please answer," she begged.

"Hello?" an almost familiar voice said.

Lyra sighed in relief, "Hey, Strauss, did you miss me?" she asked. She heard the phone drop and laughed. She waited a few moments and heard shuffling from the line.

"You're supposed to be dead," Tracy whispered, "God, is it really you?" she asked. Lyra could feel Tracy's breath trembling. Lyra felt her heart drop.

"How's-how's Peter?" she asked softly, "Please, is he- is he alright?" she whispered. She could feel her heart drop, her baby, Elizabeth was gone.

Tracy sighed, "Lyra you are supposed to be dead how did you even survive?" she asked. Lyra looked at the driver who hummed to some music that was playing.

"Was I supposed to die?" Lyra asked rolling her eyes, "No? I'm alive," she added. "Okay, I was taken to this department in Colorado, they ran tests on me, Noah helped me escape. I'm fine, although, I did use your ability,"

"Nice," Tracy sighed, "I'm at the market right now, where are you headed? Back here?" she asked.

"Nope, Washington D.C." Lyra answered.

"Why? Why would you go there?" Tracy asked. Lyra heard her grab a bag of what seemed like baby carrots.

Lyra sighed, "It's Nathan, I'm going to visit him," Lyra said.

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