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"Lyra!" a voice cried, someone was shaking her. Lyra woke up confused, where was she again? Right, the church. Lyra then saw Peter, his arm was injured. She quickly grabbed onto his other arm and stared at him. His left arm was in a sling, did he get shot?

"Peter," she started, "What happened?" she asked softly. Peter wrapped his uninjured arm around her. "Peter," she muttered. She closed her eyes and leaned on his shoulder.

"It was a trap, they shot me," he whispered, "Nathan saved my life," Lyra smiled, and wrapped her arms around him. He slowly brushed his face against her cheeks. "Thank god they didn't come after you, I was so worried," he muttered. "They could've gone after you, Lyra," Lyra nodded slowly.

"I was worried about you too," Lyra said softly, it was technically a lie, she already knew Peter was going to make it, and she was thinking of Gabriel the whole time. She looked around, "Hey, let's get out of here," she said quickly. Peter nodded and the two walked out of the church.

"I need to call my mom," Peter whispered. He let go of Lyra's arm and they headed towards a phone booth. Peter grabbed the phone and started talking. Lyra felt her heart racing, was this all because of Gabriel? No. It was because of Nathan, but Nathan saved Peter so, who is the cause of all this?

Lyra looked at Peter, "Peter," she whispered, she felt pain in her chest and her body trembled. She crouched down onto the ground. Peter glanced at her confused, what's happening? He held onto her body and dragged his hand across her back.

"God, you're hot," Peter muttered. Lyra looked up, "I mean- you're heating up," he said, his face turning red. Lyra stared at him, her eyes slowly closing. "Lyra," he whispered. She blinked.

"Gabriel," she muttered, "Gabriel," she repeated.

Peter carried her bridal style and walked back to the church, he placed her on a chair and quickly left. He came back with a bottle of water, "Lyra, drink," he whispered. He felt her pulse, "Are you stressed?" he asked softly.

Lyra sat up and grabbed the water, she quickly drank half the bottle, "Peter, I can't stop thinking about it," she muttered, he grabbed onto her face and crouched down in front of her.

"Lyra, stop, don't blame yourself for something you didn't do," Peter said quickly, "Look, I'm in love with you, I don't care if you're related to him, I love you just the way you are," He leaned in and kissed her softly. "Stay here, here's some water to protect yourself, I have to help my mother,"

Lyra kissed him one more time and wrapped her arms around him, "Peter," she whispered as he kissed her neck. "God," she sighed loudly. She felt his arms around her body leave, and she watched as he pulled away. He kissed her forehead and walked away. Lyra closed her eyes.

"Gabriel!" Lyra cried. She laughed as he picked her up onto his shoulders, having a 7 year age gap Gabriel still loved his little sister so much. Lyra smiled as they walked around the park, it had been ages since they'd done that. 

Gabriel stared at her and smiled, "Let's go get ice cream," he whispered, as he brought her back down. Lyra stared at her brother confused, he was always nice, kind, and caring. Lyra followed him towards the ice cream truck and he ordered two vanilla ice creams. 

"Tomorrow you turn 28," Lyra said, "How's that going to be?" she asked curiously. 

Gabriel sighed. "I don't know, the same I guess? Fixing watches again?" he muttered. "I just wish there were something else to do," Lyra nodded, she was studying to be a paramedic, and seeing Gabriel was rare. 

"I'll come by for dinner," she smiled, "Promise!"  

Gabriel smiled, "How's Vanie?" he asked curiously. Lyra laughed as she thought of their pet cat who she was currently taking care of right now. She looked at Gabriel who stared at her, he then patted her head.  

"She's good," Lyra replied quickly, "How's mom?" she asked. 

"Good, as always," Gabriel said, "How is school?" he asked. 

Lyra nodded slowly, "I just have two more tests," she muttered, "Wish me luck," she said, and then she heard her phone ringing. "Sorry," she whispered. She walked ahead of Gabriel and took the call. "An emergency? Where?" she asked excitedly, "Bleeker Street? Okay! I'm on it!" She looked back at Gabriel and smiled. 

"What?" he asked. 

"Gabe, I have to go," Lyra said quickly, "I love you!" she said before hugging him. He hugged back and she quickly ran off. 

Lyra woke up quickly shocked, what was that? She grabbed the water bottle and drank some water quickly, she then splashed some water on herself. "What memory," she whispered. She remembered that it was around 3 years ago that day. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Lyra looked up to see Peter and his mom, she quickly stood up and gave him a hug. He kissed her forehead, "Mom, this is-" Peter started. 

"Hello, Lyra, I'm sure you're worried about Gabriel," Angela whispered as she shook Lyra's hand. Lyra nodded. "He's a bit troubled right now," Angela said softly. Lyra nodded slowly, what happened? 

"Do you know why?" Lyra asked. Peter glanced at his mother before looking away, they knew something, what happened? 

"Mom, why don't you get some sleep?" Peter asked, his mother nodded and sat down on a chair before closing her eyes, "Lyra, look at me," Peter whispered, Lyra looked at him and quickly kissed him on the lips. She leaned her head towards him and he wrapped his arms around her. She sat on his lap and laid on his shoulder. "Your brother killed my father," Lyra glanced at him surprised. "No no no, don't worry, my dad took my old ability, and I was originally going to kill him." 

"What?" Lyra asked confused. What happened? "What are you talking about?" she asked. 

Peter sighed, "Look, Gabriel, Sylar whoever he is now, he isn't the same person you knew," he said softly. Lyra sighed, that was true, maybe she could change him though. Her head ached with pain. She winced. Why was this happening? 

"If you just let me see him maybe I could make him change," Lyra whispered. "Please?" Peter kissed her on the lips and she kissed back quickly. 

Peter played with her hair, "Maybe," he muttered softly. Angela woke up and gasped, Peter immediately looked at his mother. "Are you alright?" he asked. 

"I'm fine Peter," Angela said, "Come," She grabbed onto Peter and Lyra stood up to follow them, "There are people coming," They quickly hid, Angela stared at Peter who had his arms wrapped around Lyra who was still very tired for some reason. 

Lyra looked up at Peter who was talking to his mom, she felt so dizzy she couldn't even listen to what they were saying. Peter quickly left a small kiss on her head, "Are you okay?" he whispered, Lyra nodded. 

"Just, confused," she whispered, "It's fine though," Peter nodded, and suddenly they heard someone open the door to where they were hiding. 

Lyra recognized the man as Bennet, "All clear!" the man yelled. Lyra sighed in relief, he was helping them? She shook her head confused and wrapped her arms around Peter's neck. They heard the men leave and she smiled. 

Angela then looked at the two, "We have somewhere to go," she muttered. 

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