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Emma could feel Lyra screaming in pain in the back of the car, she could feel Peter's nervous tapping as Tracy drove. Gabriel's singing trying to calm Lyra down. Emma almost laughed at how terrible it was, of course she couldn't hear but the colors were quite weird. Soon, they arrived at the hospital and was met by Angela Petrelli, the woman who was quite rude to Emma the last time they spoke.

Angela told them something about how this was a private hospital under the Petrelli name. Emma was still worried though because apparently this Claire girl knew about the hospital and if she knew Lyra and everyone else were here. It would be terrible. It's been almost 5 hours since they arrived and all Emma had been doing was reading a book she's read plenty of times, "To Kill A Mockingbird".  She placed it down quickly and looked to her side and watched as Gabriel annoyingly stared at the clock on the wall.

Emma walked around the hospital nervously, what were they going to do to Lyra? She was taken into a room and no one was allowed. Not even Peter. Emma could see colors coming from the room, was Lyra okay? She then felt a tap on her shoulder, Emma turned around to face Gabriel.

"Is something wrong?"  Emma asked, she stared at Gabriel confused, as he mouthed something that looked like 'I'm worried'. Emma had been teaching him some sign language, but he usually forgot. "Sign it," she said.

Gabriel smiled and signed it perfectly, Emma smiled back, 'Was that good?' he signed. Emma nodded. She turned back to see Peter frustratedly throw a pen onto the ground. She walked towards him.

"Are you okay?" she asked softly. She then watched Peter's mouth 'No, I'm not fine, Lyra is in there and I need to be with her', Emma nodded. "She will be fine," she said. "Lyra is a powerful woman,"

Peter stared at Emma, still looking unsure, soon Emma watched the door open. She smiled and looked at the doctor who quickly let them in. Emma ran towards Lyra quickly and looked at her friend who was holding onto a baby. Lyra looked up at Emma and held onto Emma's hand. 'I love you' she mouthed. Emma nodded quickly.

Emma watched as Peter talked to Lyra, Lyra quickly signed 'She's a girl,' Emma nodded and stared at the little girl, she looked cute. Emma then left the room to face Gabriel. "She's a girl," Emma said. Gabriel smiled.


"So what do you want to name her?" Lyra asked softly staring at Peter. Something was wrong, what was wrong? Peter grabbed onto the baby's hands.

"I don't know," he whispered, "I just keep on thinking of Nathan," Lyra felt her throat tighten, every time someone even mentioned his name. It hurt.

Lyra looked at her child and smiled softly, "How about Elizabeth Rose?" she asked looking up at Peter. Peter looked back at her and nodded. Lyra laughed. "I love you," she whispered, she looked at Peter, "Do you forgive me?" she asked. Her body felt tremendously weak, she couldn't even activate her ability.

"Lyra," Peter started, "Of course I do, look, we have a little baby here, and she's adorable." he paused, "I wonder if she has an ability too," he muttered.

Lyra smiled, "Probably, Peter, I love you," she whispered, grabbing onto his hand, "I love you so much," she added.

Peter smiled back, "I love you and Elizabeth," he muttered softly kissing Lyra's hand. "Lyra, I want to stay with you," he said. "Forever," he muttered leaning his head on Lyra's shoulder. Lyra slowly dragged her finger across his chest.

"I love you," Lyra whispered back, the nurse then took Elizabeth into a separate room, she looked at Peter sadly. "Please don't leave me," she whispered.

"I won't," he answered firmly.

Her hospital door suddenly opened and it was Tracy, "Guys, we have to go, the government is coming soon," she said.

Peter looked at Lyra shocked, "I'll carry you," he whispered, "Please," he looked at Tracy desperately. "Lyra please!" he cried.

"Peter, you have to go," Lyra cried, suddenly as she saw people rushing into the hospital, they looked like government officials. "Peter, I love you," she cried.

"No, I'm not going to leave you!" he cried, "Lyra!" He was pulled away by Tracy who gave Lyra a certain look that said 'We'll find you'.

"I promise, I'll find you," Lyra muttered, she could tell Peter was even more upset as he turned around and ran away with Gabriel and the others. Lyra closed her eyes and breathed softly as the people walked into her hospital room.

She didn't recognize any of them but they glanced at her some certain way, almost as if she were a threat. "Excuse me are you Lyra Petrelli?" a man asked. Lyra nodded quickly, where was her baby? Why wasn't the nurse back? What's happening? "We need you to register as an Evo," the man said, "We'll have to inject a chip," he said.

Suddenly the nurse walked out with Elizabeth, "Sorry, she's in a very weak condition right now, injecting anything other then the prescribed medicine can cause severe issues," the nurse said, "Can't you come by another time?" the nurse asked.

"I'm afraid we can't do that," the man said, "You see she's considered a very dangerous Evo and if we don't lock her up she can cause serious damage," Lyra sat there in shock, very dangerous? How was she dangerous?

The nurse stood in front of Lyra blocking the latter's view, "She just gave birth to her baby, please consider letting her have a few days before you come back," the nurse said politely.

The man huffed, "We can't do that miss, boss' orders. She's a threat to the government and to the state." he said sternly pushing the nurse away. The man grabbed onto Lyra's arm hurting it, Lyra gasped in pain. She couldn't walk. He lifted her up against her will and carried her. Lyra stared back at the nurse and her daughter.

"Take care of Elizabeth," Lyra whispered to nurse as they carried her out of the room, "Please," she begged as they injected her with a needle making her extremely dizzy and even weaker. She closed her eyes and fell into unconsciousness.

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