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"A cottage?" she asked confused, "You want me to make a small lake next to a cottage?" Lyra laughed, at least it wasn't anything too bad. She had remembered Sam asking her to help a few days ago, she had to wait for some guy to come through, he had some nature ability. Lyra thought it was epic!

She walked around the grassy plains, he made this? It used to be plain, with just dirt and now it was beautiful. She smelled the fresh grass and sighed. "This is great," she said.

Sam laughed, "It's for Vanessa, the love of my life y'know," he replied with a smile. "Do you think she'll like it?" he asked softly.

"Like it? She'll love it!" Lyra cried, it looked beautiful. The flowers were colorful and so pretty, the trees were fully grown and Lyra opened her palms towards the small section Sam had dugout. She closed her eyes and quickly poured water into the section making a beautiful clear-looking lake.

Sam smiled, "Lyra darlin' this is gorgeous," he said. "Thank you," he muttered before slowly giving her a small hug. Lyra awkwardly hugged back confused but smiled. This was perfect, she felt so calm here. She then turned away.

"Of course," she muttered, "I'll see you around," she then walked back to the carnival before smiling. Maybe this Vanessa could help them stop Sam. She ran quickly towards her trailer and quickly packed up her bag. She then closed her eyes. She had to go back to New York now, she missed the love of her life, Peter Petrelli.

She suddenly bumped into someone, Amanda? "Oh sorry," Lyra muttered before exiting the entrance. She walked to her car and stared at the carnival one more time, she didn't need to tell anyone she was leaving. She quickly opened the car door and drove away.

"Angela, I'm fine!" Lyra cried with a laugh as Angela brought her into a hug. She sighed, she missed the carnival but knew it'd be fine after receiving a call from Noah Bennet earlier while she was driving. Noah was going to find Vanessa and try and capture Sam. She had told Angela everything however Angela already knew that Sam was bad and made her promise not to go back to the carnival. Even though it broke Lyra's heart to leave her friends, she had to keep her promise to Angela.

Suddenly she heard the door opening, Peter? She quickly stood across from the door and waited, the door opened and Peter hung up his coat, "Mom?" he then stopped as he caught Lyra's gaze. He ran towards her and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately. "Oh my god," he whispered as he kissed her again and again. Lyra wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his neck quickly. Lyra leaned against the front door and stared into Peter's eyes.

"I'm sorry for leaving you, I'll never ever leave you again," Lyra whispered softly as he kissed her neck, she then pulled away remembering Angela was in the room, "Peter, your mom," she whispered. She held onto his hand tightly, never wanting to let go.

Peter kissed her forehead and they walked towards where Angela was sitting. "Lyra, your friend Emma is in danger," she said. Lyra closed her eyes then opened them, not Emma. Emma was innocent. She was sweet and caring and she couldn't be in danger. Was it because of Samuel?

"From who?" Lyra asked quickly.

Peter looked at her sadly, "Samuel Sullivan, and I dreamt it, you want to know who saves her?" Peter asked, Lyra stood there waiting for an answer, she had no clue. Claire? Tracy? It could be anyone in the world. Peter?

"I don't know," Lyra said.

"Your brother," Peter whispered, Lyra gasped in shock, what no! He wasn't- he couldn't be the one saving Emma! He was going to kill her, she sat in a chair next to Angela and closed her eyes in disbelief.

She sighed before looking at Peter, "You want me to help you find him?" she asked confused, she had seen him, at the carnival. Where did he go after that? Did he visit Lydia? "Do you even know where he is?" she asked confused.

Peter glanced at his mother who sighed, "Matt Parkman, in L.A." she whispered. Lyra nodded, before looking at Peter who was already getting dressed to go, was he going to leave without her?

"You're not thinking of going alone are you?" she asked, following him out the door, he turned around and stared at her touching her face with his right hand. She could feel his palms sweating, he was nervous.

Peter quickly gave her a kiss, "Are you going to come too?" he asked curiously not answering her question.

Lyra laughed, "Pff, of course, silly," she whispered, "I've always said I wanted to spend more time with you, and if it's hunting down my brother, a murderer then even better!" she laughed excitedly before giving him a hug.

He twirled her around, "Okay," Peter said, "You're coming with me!" he said with a sad smile, "I just don't want you to get hurt," he whispered as they walked out of the building. Lyra looked at the ground as they walked through to get a taxi.

"I won't, I have an ability, remember? I'm not helpless," she muttered, she knew he just wanted to keep her safe. "Sorry," she whispered as they entered a taxi, "Just I'm not helpless, I can take care of myself perfectly fine," she said.

"I know," Peter said, "I still worry though,"

Lyra smiled, "That's nice," she said, "So do you think Matt would even let us help Sylar?" she asked curiously. It's been a while since she'd even seen Matt. How was he anyway?

Peter sighed, "I don't know," he whispered. "Apparently Sylar was haunting him or something I don't know, the last time I saw him was at a hospital because Sylar tried to commit suicide with his body. It's confusing," he said.

Lyra nodded, interesting. "So he pretty much hates Sylar?" the two got out of the car and entered the airport. Peter shrugged.

"Yeah, pretty much," he said with a smile.

"Why is Sylar at his house then?" Lyra asked. Peter shrugged again before giving Lyra a small kiss. "Oh- thank you," she whispered, as he pulled away.

Peter glanced at Lyra before booking a flight, "I love you," he said, "When this carnival thing is finished, we can get married okay?"

Lyra smiled. "Yeah, married," she repeated. "Wait married?" she asked suddenly realizing what he had said. "Married married, husband and wife married?" she asked surprised. She stopped in the middle of the hallway they were walking in, married, she looked at the ring Peter got her. She said yes, but why did she feel so- overwhelmed?

Peter walked back towards her and looked at her confused, "Unless," he started, "You don't want me anymore," he whispered, putting his hands on Lyra's waist.

"What kind of question is that?" she asked softly, "Of course I still want you," she whispered back, "I love you with all my heart," she quickly then kissed him.

"So you had to go to some carnival for a few weeks?" he asked, Lyra looked up at him in shame, right she had forgotten about that. Was he angry? Was he mad at her?

Lyra felt her heart drop, what was she supposed to say? She stood in front of him, "I was scared," she whispered, "I was scared you weren't going to love me anymore," she said quickly, "I knew your brother died but I didn't say anything," she asked. She could feel her eyes tear up but she held them back, using her ability. "How would you have reacted to that?" she asked.

"You got Haitianed," Peter whispered, "That's not your fault, that's my mother's fault, I just didn't understand why you had to go to Samuel's carnival,"

Lyra looked at Peter, "There's a girl there, she's one of my best friends, I can't just let Samuel do that to them, they're like family to me Peter," she said. "I stayed so I could get his plans," she whispered, "He trusts me," she stared at Peter who showed some interest.

Peter smiled, "He trusts you? So do you have a compass?" he asked. Lyra reached for her pocket and the compass was still there, she showed the compass to Peter and grinned.

"You could say I basically worked there," she said.

"What?" he asked confused.

"I'll tell you all about it, on the plane ride love," Lyra whispered before racing into the plane, she laughed excitedly as she sat down, Peter sat next to her and leaned in before giving her a passionate kiss on the lips.

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