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"What would you know?" Peter asked before facing his older brother, Nathan. 

Nathan sighed and shook his head, "I was with her for 5 years, I'm sure I know how she feels," 

"Yeah, and I'm sure it was so fun," he muttered sarcastically. "Look, just leave her alone will you?" he asked. 

He glanced at Nathan, who just smiled calmly. "I don't think I can," he whispered. "See, I might finally have a chance with her," Nathan said. "You upset her, who do you think is going to make her feel better? Me," Peter stared at his older brother in disbelief, Nathan wouldn't do that, why would Nathan? 

"Why are you doing this?" Peter shouted. "Why? What have I done wrong for you to do this to me?" Peter blinked and his eyes glazed with anger. "You will never have Lyra," he said, his voice a little softer than before. "She will never love you, do you know why? Because you ruined her life," Peter said. "You ruined it!"

Nathan shook his head, "I didn't do anything, I made a mistake that's all! And plus, Danko ran the operation and I helped you guys after!" he shouted. Suddenly there was a loud crash and a cry, Peter ran towards the sound to see Lyra upset. Nathan was behind him and Lyra immediately stood up and gave Peter a hug. 

"Hey," Peter muttered, Lyra then kissed him, "Hey, what's up?" he asked softly. "Everything alr-" he then stopped as Lyra kissed him on the lips. He then pulled away, "Lyr," he whispered. Lyra leaned in and rested her head on his chest. He then looked at Nathan, "She will never love you," he warned, "Stay away from her because she's mine," Peter muttered. 

Nathan stared at Lyra who stared back evenly, he then shook his head and turned away, disappearing somewhere. Lyra then looked at Peter, "I know," she muttered, "I know," she whispered before wrapping her arms around him. "Take care of Ethan, and Elizabeth, you know, she is going to be so powerful one day," Lyra whispered. "Do not let her turn into a Sylar," she muttered. 

"Okay, I promise," Peter whispered, "I promise," Peter muttered, feeling her arms against his back. Lyra then smiled, "I love you," he whispered, "And I'm sorry," he muttered. Lyra nodded slowly before turning away. 

"I love you too," she whispered. "So much," she then disappeared. Peter quickly closed his eyes and opened them before racing up the stairs to Elizabeth. What had Lyra meant by 'Do not let her turn into a Sylar'? Peter shook his head and walked into his room, where Elizabeth slept. Elizabeth then sat up sadly and looked at Peter. 

"Sorry I said that daddy," she muttered. "And sorry I made a mess," 

Peter looked away and stared at a picture that was placed on the wall, he walked towards it and took the picture out of the picture frame, it was a picture of him and Nathan playing baseball. He shook his head and threw the picture onto the ground. He then frowned as he noticed some writing on the back, he picked it up and stared at the words:  I know I'm not perfect, but whenever I'm around you, I feel like I'm a star. Not a day will go by without me thinking of you, I love you. xoxo Lyra Elizabeth. 

Peter smiled, this was the last birthday with her, she took this photo when they went to the Petrelli mansion or she said she did. He placed the picture on his nightstand and sighed loudly before flopping onto the bed. "It's alright Elizabeth," he muttered. 

"Daddy you know I don't go by that name, I'm Laura!" Elizabeth said with a smile. She then sat next to Peter and looked at him curiously. "Why was I named Elizabeth anyways, that's such an old name!" she cried. 

Peter laughed, "It was your mother's middle name," he whispered, "She named you Elizabeth Rose, I don't know where the Rose came from but I do know that her middle name was Elizabeth," he said. "Why don't you ask your uncle about the name? I'll come with you," Peter offered. Elizabeth nodded quickly and raced out of the room, Peter followed slowly and soon they reached Gabriel's room. 

The door was opened so Peter and Elizabeth just walked in, "Hi!" Elizabeth said with a smile, she then looked at Peter who nodded. "I want to ask you questions about Lyra!" she cried. Peter frowned, even now Elizabeth still never accepted the fact that Lyra was her mother. Calling her 'Lyra', he shook his head. 

Gabriel nodded slowly, "Yeah, sure," he said. 

"Why did she name me Elizabeth Rose?" Elizabeth asked quickly. "Eh?" she jumped onto Gabriel and Gabriel softly pushed her off him. 

"Elizabeth was her middle name and Rose was our grandmother's name," Gabriel whispered. "Lyra Elizabeth Petrelli," he added, "It, she loved you," he whispered. "She died for you, so appreciate the name she gave you, appreciate the ability she gave you, she died for you," Gabriel said. 

Elizabeth frowned and looked at the ground, "I d-d- I did-I didn't know," she whispered. "Was she a hero?" she asked. "Like daddy?" 

Peter looked at Elizabeth, "Yeah, she was," Peter muttered. "She saved you, she saved Emma, she saved so many people," he whispered before giving the little girl a hug. "Lyra was everything, and- hey, why don't you go play with Ethan for a bit?" he asked. "I want to talk to your uncle," he muttered. Elizabeth nodded quickly and ran out of the room. 

"What did you want to talk about?" Gabriel asked curiously. 

"Your sister," Peter started, "Lyra said something about how Elizabeth- she told me to make sure Elizabeth didn't become a Sylar, what does she mean by that?" he asked. 

Gabriel smiled, "She's funny, she knows how powerful Elizabeth is," he said quickly. "But she can't stop it," he whispered. "No matter how hard you try, there is nothing you can do." Peter stared at Gabriel in disbelief, how could he say that? Of course, there was something they could do. 

"Of course there's something I could do," Peter snapped, "Can't you see why Lyra even warned us of it in the first place?" he asked before shaking his head. "She wants us to protect Elizabeth, and stop her from becoming like you, and we don't even know how that's going to happen so- I'm going to watch over her, very carefully," Peter said. 

Gabriel shook his head, "Even you can't stop the apocalypse," he muttered, "No one can," 

Peter looked at Gabriel, "You dreamt of it?" he asked, "Of course you did," Peter looked at the ground, "Well, someone has to try," Peter muttered. "So that's what I'm going to do," he looked back at Gabriel who nodded slowly. Peter smiled, "I will stop the apocalypse," 

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