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"It is in our deepest regrets, that Mrs. Lyra Petrelli was killed on the day of the Odessa Summit," a voice said, Peter shook his head as he stared at the ground. She was gone, he could no longer feel her presence, her body was cold when they buried her. Was her death even worth it? Did they have to kill her? "Of course, we never wanted to kill any Evos, this was just an accidental death,"

 Accidental death. The words echoed in Peter's mind, he turned and walked away from the crowd. "Watch it!" a voice said as Peter bumped into someone. Peter looked up to face Gabriel, he shook his head and walked away from him. "Hey wait!" he cried, coming after Peter. 

"They murdered her, and they have the right to say it was an 'accidental death?'" Peter asked before turning around to face Gabriel. He then felt someone grab onto his arm and he whipped back quickly to face- Claire? He shook his head in disbelief, "I don't want to talk to you," Peter muttered. 

"Well you're going to have to," Claire replied. "I gave birth to twins, one boy, and one girl. Dad named the girl Malina and Angela named the boy Nathan," she whispered. 

Peter shook his head again, "Nathan?" he asked. "Are you being serious right now? Because I can't tell," he said before walking towards the exit. He was angry, he wanted someone to feel the same pain he felt. He wanted to, Peter had kept Lyra's ability with him, not because it was powerful but because it was the only thing left of her, except for their son of course. 

"Peter, I know you're grieving," Claire muttered. "But it was the right thing to do," she whispered. Peter shook his head, the right thing to do? Lyra was dead. The person he loved the most was gone, no more. She wasn't going to come back, she was gone. 

"Right thing to do?" he asked. "Think again Claire, think of how many people were affected by your speech at Samuel's carnival," he said, "Think! We were forced into hiding, a woman killed my daughter and Lyra died," he then paused, "Lyra was right, this is all your fault! Nathan's daughter or not!" he shouted. 

Claire looked at Peter and Peter could tell she regretted it too, he scoffed and quickly left the building. "You know, you're right," Peter stopped walking and watched as Gabriel walk in front of him. "It was Claire's fault, it still is Claire's fault but we can't go back in time and change that," Gabriel muttered. 

Peter stood there thoughtfully, Hiro, he could change time, so maybe he could take- no, he couldn't. Hiro wouldn't want to change the past, Peter also learned there was the butterfly effect the last time his future self came and changed the future. It was confusing, "Yeah you're right," he muttered. "Anyways, I'll meet you back at the safe house," he looked at Gabriel who nodded quickly. 

"Need a ride?" a voice said. 

Peter shook his head, "I'm fine mom," he said. 

"No, you aren't my dear," she muttered before dragging Peter into a car. Peter would've refused and probably try to leave but right now, he didn't even care anymore. He was met by Claire, the last person he wanted to see and her babies. 

He smiled weakly, and then looked outside the window. "Peter you have to stop worrying, everything is going to be okay," his eyes widened, Lyra? He turned around but only to see Claire playing with her children. He shook his head, that was weird. 

Soon they arrived at the safe house, Peter walked out of the car quickly to enter the house, it's been weeks since Lyra died. It never felt the same, he opened the door and entered the house. "Welcome home, Peter," a voice said. Peter smiled at Laura, the little girl who had been brought to safety here, something was peculiar about her. She was different too. 

He then felt someone come up behind him and frowned, he rolled his eyes and walked forwards, he didn't want to bump into Claire. Peter then raced upstairs to see Ethan, he walked into the nursery and fast asleep was Ethan. "Hey, baby," Peter laughed, "Or that's what your mother would've called you," 

Peter heard small footsteps behind him and immediately knew that Laura had followed him, "Hi Peter," she said softly. "Ethan fell asleep quickly," she smiled. "I gave him his milk and he was quite happy!" Laura grinned. 

Peter nodded and stared at the little girl, brown hair, brown eyes, she looked so much like a kid version of Lyra. Their facial structure was similar, the eyes, the nose, the ears, everything. Reminded him of what Elizabeth might have looked like- wait! What Elizabeth might have looked like! "Gabriel!" he called out. 

He raced out of the nursery and barged into Gabriel's room, he then awkwardly smiled as he saw Emma talking to him and it looked serious. Gabriel glanced at him angrily and confused at the same time, "What do you want?" he asked. 

"I want you to see the past of Laura," he whispered, "Please," Emma stood up and quickly waved hello to Peter before leaving the room, Peter looked back then stared at Laura who was following him for some reason. "Oh- here," Peter brought the little girl into Gabriel's room and Gabriel touched her forehead. 

Peter watched and walked around the two, then after a minute or two, Gabriel pulled away shocked. Peter stared at him confused, "Peter," Gabriel started, Peter looked at the little girl who blinked confused. "She's Elizabeth," he muttered. Peter's eyes widened with shock, Elizabeth? 

"You mean my daughter Elizabeth? The one who supposedly died?" he asked. Gabriel nodded slowly, "You're joking right? You're just getting back at me for something I did," he muttered. "You're lying!" he shouted. 

Gabriel stared at him calmly, "Why would I lie?" he asked. "This is my little sister's daughter, why would I lie about that?" 

Peter shook his head in disbelief and stared at Laura, "Laura, come here," he started, the little girl walked towards him and looked at him confused. "Laura, you know who I am right?" he asked. Laura nodded quickly. "Well, scrap that because I am your father," he whispered softly before giving her a small hug. 

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