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Lyra breathed heavily as she ran after Peter and Claire, they were going to hunt them down, she had to stay with Peter and Claire, who was the young blonde girl. She wished Gabriel were here, maybe he could help. Lyra stopped running and looked at Peter and she felt tears fall down her eyes. He looked at her comfortingly and held onto her hand. "Hey, don't cry," he muttered softly.

Lyra shook her head and cried softly, "I can't, I want him here with me," she whispered, her voice trembling with fear. Peter looked at her and smiled.

"Hey, I'm here, okay?" he said quickly. Lyra stared at him and nodded, and they continued to run, Claire looked at Lyra, and Lyra noticed the man with the horn-rimmed glasses was back.

"Claire," the man said. Claire looked at Peter and he nodded.

Peter quickly grabbed Lyra's hand and ran. Lyra looked back, "What about Claire?" she asked quickly. Peter looked at her and shook his head.

"She'll be fine, that man is her dad, he won't hurt her," Peter said quickly. Lyra nodded slowly, still, it was possible for family to turn on each other.

Peter and Lyra quickly ran through some trees, and Peter stopped quickly as he saw a person who was wearing the same orange clothes they were wearing. "Hey," Peter said, "Are you okay?" he asked quickly.

"I can't do this," the woman whispered.

Lyra looked at Peter who glanced at her hopefully, she then looked at the woman. "Hi, my name is Lyra, look I know you're scared, but Peter and I," she glanced back at him. "We're going to help you," she said quickly. Peter smiled.

"I'm Tracy but I don't think-" the woman started. "How did you have my ability?" she asked.

"I can copy abilities, but recently I only can hold one, look you either come with us to fight, or let them win," Peter said quickly. Tracy sighed and nodded before following Lyra and Peter into the trees.

They had made a plan to take some of the guard's clothes so they would blend in, personally Lyra thought it was clever, their orange clothes stood out too much. Lyra was supposed to create a trap and lure two towards a tree where Tracy and Peter would take them down.

Lyra huffed softly as she stood in the open fields. She took down one of the guards already, all kinds of water she could control. Sweat, there was a lot. The water in plants, she thought it was quite useful. She then hid when she saw two guards walking towards the tree. She sighed and closed her eyes hoping Tracy and Peter were in the right spot. They quickly jumped down onto the men and they fell into unconsciousness.

Peter looked at her, he quickly grabbed a vest and everything and handed it to Lyra. Lyra quickly changed, hidden behind a tree. Once she was done, she walked out to see Peter shirtless, he smiled at her before putting on a shirt.

Lyra looked at Peter and followed him. Peter looked back at her once they were somewhat safe. "Hey, what's on your mind?" he asked quickly.

"Just, I never thought," she muttered. "I don't know how I'm here , I don't know why," Lyra said quickly. She wanted to see Gabriel again, she was scared. He would know what to do. He had helped her when she had nothing, and now she really needed him, she needed to show him her ability and everything. She started to feel her hands shake nervously.

Peter looked at her, his gaze softened, "Lyra, look at me," Lyra looked up at him, "We need to fight them," he muttered. "It's Nathan, and-" Lyra suddenly noticed a figure watching them from behind a bush.

"Peter! Watch out!" Lyra cried quickly, she quickly grabbed his wrist and ran. Tracy quickly followed them after making a tree branch fall on the figure. Tracy looked at Lyra and they found a small place where they could hide out. It was almost dark.

"Peter," Tracy started, "I know how Nathan thinks, if I can call him, maybe make a deal for us-"

Peter glanced at me before glancing back at Tracy, "No," he said. "Because you slept with him? Look we can't trust him," he said.

"Just let me try," Tracy begged.

Lyra sighed, "Just let her, okay?" she asked quickly. Peter nodded before grabbing Lyra's wrist. He stared at her and he blinked once before softly wrapping his arms around her. Lyra stood awkwardly reaching her hands out to return the hug.

"You're good," he whispered, "I could tell, you want to save them too," his head rested on her right shoulder. Lyra nodded quickly. That was what she wanted to do, she had to save them. She could save them so why not?

"Well, if we don't who will?" she whispered back, before letting go of him. Tracy looked at the two before nodding. "So what's going to happen?" Lyra asked quickly.

Tracy looked at Lyra, "We made a deal with Nathan, he's not going to harm us because we have Peter, we'll have a free pass and we're going to meet him alone," she said.

Lyra nodded before looking at Peter who was shaking his head, she walked closer to him and he quickly hugged her, "He's my brother, I don't know what's going to happen," Peter muttered. "If he tries to kill me, or points a gun at me, I want you to run as far as you can away from them okay?" he said quickly. Lyra looked at him confused.

"You want me to leave you?" she asked. Peter nodded, "Peter, I can't do that," she muttered quickly. Lyra looked into his brown eyes and he quickly dragged his fingers across her dark brown hair.

"I know my brother," he whispered before walking up towards Tracy, Lyra sighed. She thought she knew hers too. She followed them towards this abandoned trailer/house thing, it was too dark for her to figure out what it was.

Tracy stood in one spot and looked at Lyra, "You stay with Peter no matter what happens okay? Don't listen to what he said before, he needs to be alive," Lyra nodded quickly. What was going to happen? She sighed and followed Peter who was hiding behind a tree. She looked at him softly, and he looked back with a small smile.

He then leaned in and kissed her, Lyra's eyes widened. She felt her body warm up as she wrapped her arms around him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer as she kissed back passionately. It lasted for a few good minutes. Lyra then pulled away confused. "What was that?" she asked quickly.

"Just in case we don't make it out of here," he whispered, "I love you," he then looked at Tracy who was now talking to Nathan, who had arrived moments before.

"Where's my brother?" Nathan asked.

Tracy looked at Nathan, "Making sure you're alone," Tracy lied. Lyra could feel Peter's pulse quicken as Tracy and Nathan talked. He then turned to look at Lyra one more time.

"Stay here," he whispered.

Lyra quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer to her. "Peter," she whispered. Peter looked back curiously, "I love you too," she said quickly. He smiled and walked into the open, Lyra sighed and peeked from the side, she then saw some gunners and some of the men. It was a trap. She quickly ran out into the open and saw Peter and Tracy trapped. Soon she was too, she sighed. Peter looked at her worriedly.

"Shoot them!" a voice cried.

"I don't have a clear shot!" another voice cried. Nathan was telling them to hold fire while some other guy was telling them to shoot. Lyra felt her hand shaking nervously. What's going to happen? Was she going to die?

Targets were all on Peter, Tracy and herself, she noticed Claire's dad targeting Peter and telling everyone he didn't have a clear shot, when he did. Lyra smiled. She then felt Peter's arm wrap around her body, he then jumped and flew away quickly. Lyra felt wind blast against her face, but soon as they reached the ground. Lyra sighed. What about Tracy? What was going to happen to Tracy?

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